Gesellschaft fuer Junkers Dieselmaschinen mbH
Junkers Dieselkraftmaschinen GmbH

( Jukra )

Jan. 1931 at Dessau (Gesellschaft fuer Junkers Dieselmaschinen mbH)
Jan. 1931 at Chemnitz (Junkers Dieselkraftmaschinen GmbH)

Main Business:
Research and Production of Junkers Oil Engines at Dessau
Production of Diesel oil engines at Chemnitz

Management Positions:
Bruhn, Dr. Richard - member of the supervisory board since Jan. 1931 (for DKW)

Dessau, Chemnitz

Company Development:
During 1930 Hugo Junkers started to restructure his companies. Together with the Forschungsanstalt, the Junkers Flugzeugwerke and the Junkers Motorenwerke, as well as Junkers + Co. and the Kaloriferwerke built the production platform for a wide area of different products. Especially the Motorenwerke integrated a lot of different engine products, which ranged from the standard aircraft engine and car engines up to the large scale stationary engines and to small compressor engines.

In January 1931 Hugo Junkers separated the complete stationary HK engine section from the Junkers Motorenwerke. In Chemnitz the Junkers Dieselkraftmaschinen GmbH was formed. It took over the serial production of the HK-Series Engines. The patent rights on the HK engines were transfered to the Gesellschaft fuer Junkers Dieselmaschinen GmbH. The separation of the HK/SA/FK production from the aircraft production line was a first step for concentrating on the core business at Junkers. The Junkers Flugzeugwerke and the Junkers Motorenwerke now represented pure aviation industry companies.

The newly formed Dieselkraft companies on the other hand were completely independent from the aviation consortium. All patent rights of Hugo Junkers were taken over by the Dieselmaschinen Society and the Dieselkraftmaschinen GmbH built engines using the rights of the Society. This restructuring prepared a probable sale of the Dieselkraftmaschinen GmbH to foreign investors.

In 1931 larger parts of this company seemed to be sold to foreign investors, the largest one was Auto Union. The HK production line was transfered to Chemnitz and continued still after the beginning of WWII. After WWII the production also continued under communist leadership at the VEB Dieselkraftmaschinenwerk Karl-Marx-Stadt still with the old HK-series engines.

1st October 2004
The Hugo Junkers Homepage
� Horst Zoeller, Germany, August 1996
[email protected]

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