Junkers Thermo Technik GmbH, Dessau (I.T.T.)
Thermo Technik GmbH, Berlin

Thermo Technik GmbH Advertising

1931 at Dessau
as subsidary of ICO

Main Business:
Production of thermodynamic equipment, warm water stoves

Management Positions:

Dessau in 1932
Berlin after sale to Bosch GmbH (about 1933)
Wernau since 1954

Company Development:
1932 sold to Bosch as a part of ICO
1933 renamed into Thermo Technik GmbH after sale to Bosch
1954 new facility at Wernau
1995 Junkers Department of Bosch GmbH renamed into Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH

A total of four patents were transfered to I.T.T.
All patents were related to the Kalorimeter and
other thermodynamic measurement techniques.

Junkers/Bosch GmbH
Bosch Archives (German text about the Bosch take over in 1932)

30th May 2004
The Hugo Junkers Homepage
at http://www.junkers.de.vu
� Horst Zoeller, Germany, August 1996
[email protected]

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