Housing and Bedding Guide

Many people acquire cavies without giving much thought to the genuine space they'll need. A cavy needs a good amount of cage space to exercise which most people seem not to realize. A Cubes and Coroplast (C&C Cage) is not always appropriate, as some cavies live outside in a shed or in a garden where an animal proof cage is a must.

A minimum of 7.5 square feet is needed per one cavy, with an added square foot with each additional cavy. A great cage idea is a ramp that leads to a den or closed house area. The Guinea Pigs really enjoy running up and down the ramp, and once they get the hang of it will do it with great ease. All of my cages are home-made which came to a much more affordable cost than the Pet Store cages which often tend to be far too small for multiple animals anyway.

Now, many Cavy sites advise that wire is not suitable for the bottom of a Guinea Pig's cage. However, Guinea Pigs can actually get quite a lot of enjoyment out of a wire bottomed cage provided one is strategic. When my cavies are in their cages during the week the bottom of their cages are lined with Newspaper and shavings (Pine, not Cedar) along with Hay. On the weekends I remove the bedding and place the cages on the grass. The blades poke through the wire and the cavies can access the grass in the safety of their hutch. And when the cages are moved back into the Pig Shed, fresh bedding is placed into their cages.

A ramped home-made hutch that resides here with two Guinea Pigs in it.
A better look inside the hutch. The Ramp doesn't impede on the use of the floor space.

As for bedding, an excellent choice is Pine Shavings. Most shavings processed for animal use are dust extracted and have no added chemicals. Many people believe that Shavings cause Respiratory problems in cavies and should therefore be replaced with beddings such as "Vet Bed" and "Care Fresh". If you have the time to wash Vet Bed daily then by all means use it. I have found through many years using Pine Shavings that it is a great disposable bedding that the Pigs love and, I haven't had a single Respiratory Infection in almost 10 years of cavy ownership.

I put a thick layer of Shavings over a thick chunk of newspaper. You will notice that after about four days the cage will need cleaning. I spot clean mine at this point and do a proper clean out on the weekends. Our routine fits myself and my animals and is something that you will have to develop with your own animals.

However, some people strongly disagree with the use of shavings and claim that people who use them do so because they are cheap and disposable. Personally I think their claims are unfounded, as with most of the things I do for my pigs, I come to my own conclusions about things through experience and use what's best for my pigs. For info from this alternate point of view, visit Barmy 4 Boars - Bedding

Further reading: Hutches/Cages...

Guinea Lynx - Housing

Cavy Cages - Assorted Housing Ideas

Treens Pigs - More Housing Ideas, C&C Cage Tutorial

Treens Pigs - General Housing Information

Further reading: Bedding...

Cavy Love - Bedding Pro's and Cons

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