Veterans Helping Veterans with Hepatitis

Veterans Helping Veterans


A comprehensive guide for Veterans
infected with Hepatitis B and C.

The National Institutes of Health have released the 2002 Consensus Statement for Hepatitis C. This is a very important document as it is considered the Standard Bearer for Insurance Companies and most importantly for Doctors around the world.

To view the Consensus Statement you must have Acrobat Reader. 2002 CONSENSUS STATEMENT



Navigate Veterans Helping Veterans
 VA Disability Claims
 Active Duty & HCV
 Veterans Risk Factors
 HCV, Vets, & the VA
 Military Transmission
 Veteran's Health Care
 National VA Facilities
 VA News on HCV
 Hepatitis C Information
 Hepatitis B Information
VA National HCV Program
National HCV Prison Coalition
 VA Email Addresses
 State VA Facilities
 Sample Political Letters
 Contact Your Congressman
 Hepatitis Organizations
 Legislative Issues/Bills
 Seperation from Active Duty
Women In Military Service
Women Veteran Issues
The Panama Story,© 2000-2050 By Kevin D. Donnelly 
 Start A Support Group
 Veterans Links
 Webring Associations
 Dept. of Veterans Affairs
LeighAnn's HepC Home

A Memorial Tribute to Cpt. Kevin D. Donnelly, USAR

Please take a moment to answer
my new Veterans with HepB and HepC Survey!

It is hoped that this website will be able to assist you in getting all the help you deserve and need from the VA. There is no KNOWN cure YET for Hepatitis C, but with research going on every day, our hopes are high. Current research shows that many With HBV or HCV will die of old age.




Veteran, please take note:

This website and any service provided to you is given to you on behalf of a grateful Nation.   Thank you,
Captain Kevin D. Donnelly, USAR, Deceased
SP/4 LeighAnn Vogel, USA, 1974~1977

Due to the HUGE amount of Spam mail I have been receiving, I have been forced to remove my email address from this site. You can always reach me at the Yahoo Group site listed below.

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Due to the fact that the information Kevin and I have worked so hard to post for others is being stolen from this site the following request is being made:

The information on these pages was researched and written by Kevin Drue Donnelly from 1998 through 2000, unless otherwise noted on the individual page. PLEASE do not steal the html or copy and paste the information you find here and place it on another website. The title of this page belongs to me and may not be used in any other form or context. If you wish to post Kevin's poetry on another website, please be sure to respect Kevin by adding that he passed away on August 5, 2000 from complications due to HCV. Do NOT take any of the information from these pages and add a copyright of your own at the bottom of your pages. This is illegal.

The Panama Story is copyrighted and can NOT be reproduced on any other internet website. To do so is illegal. You may print the story out, but you may NOT under ANY circumstances post it to another webpage.

Please do feel free to link to any of the pages within this website. Our goal since 1998 has been to help as many Veterans as we can, but we worked very hard, and I continue to do so, on this website. Kevin and his hard work deserves that much respect in his death.


This site is designed for educational purposes only. I am not a medical professional, only a Proud Veteran and Patient Advocate. This information is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider. This site does not endorse any of the treatments, medications, articles, abstracts, or products discussed herein. You are strongly encouraged to consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition. The best care can only be given by a qualified provider who knows you personally.

Click here for the House committee on Veterans Affairs Website

This site last updated on August 6, 2006.

You are the Counter person to visit this page since August 17, 1998

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