Family Gomphidae
Genus Gomphus
Mustached Clubtail (Gomphus adelphus)

Flight season: late May to late July.

Population: uncommon and not encountered every year. Sightings to date have occurred along or near the Moira River.

Length: about 45 mm to 50 mm. Its size and distinctive facial markings serve to separate this species from other clubtails.

Tweed, Ontario, east of town along trans-Canada Trail: woodland with clearings both natural and created by the trail, about ¼ km east of the Moira River.
Two immature male Mustached Clubtails (Gomphus adelphus) – there was a bumper crop of these small dragonflies this year (May 25, 2011)

Front view of an immature male Mustached Clubtail (Gomphus adelphus) depicting the distinctive facial cross-stripes and "mustach". (May 25, 2011).

Aspects of a female Mustached Clubtail (Gomphus adelphus) – as with many other clubtails the immatures are an eye-catching black and yellow, the yellow markings turning dull green and finally a bluish-grey with age (May 24, 2011).

Tweed, Ontario, Moira River near the walking bridge and dam: rock-bottomed river with fast flowing water, rapids and emergent rocks, but also quiet pools and backwaters. The shoreline vegetation is mostly trees with a few small clearings supporting tall grasses and wildflowers.
Female Mustached Clubtail (Gomphus adelphus) – an image of the subgenital plate. This indivdual was a teneral and therefore handled with great care (May 21, 2016).

Lateral view and facial markings of a mature female Mustached Clubtail (June 10, 2016).

Tweed, Ontario, the Moira River, east of town near Collin's Point: rock-bottomed river with fast flowing water, rapids and emergent rocks, the shoreline vegetation consists of wooded areas and clearings supporting tall grasses and wildflowers.
Mature male Mustached Clubtail (Gomphus adelphus)
June 16, 2011

Vanderwater Conservation Area: Moira River, rock-bottomed with fast flowing water, rapids and emergent rocks, but also quiet pools and backwaters. The shoreline vegetation consists of wooded areas and clearings supporting tall grasses and wildflowers.
Male Mustached Clubtail (Gomphus adelphus) – roadkill, but the claspers and secondary genitalia were worth photodocumenting (June 15, 2014).