Pond Damselflies
Family Coenagrionidae
Genus Enallagma
Vesper Bluet (Enallagma vesperum)

Similar species – teneral and immature Orange Bluet (Enallagma signatum).

Flight season: early June to late August.

Population: uncommon, probably because it is seldom encountered. This damselfly is crepuscular, becoming active very late in the afternoon and flying well into the evening. Local sightings to date are from the marshy north shore of Stoco Lake.

Length: about 35 mm, thin and attenuated. Mature adults are unlikely to be confused with other species.

Tweed, Ontario, the north shore Stoco Lake, near the boat pier: marshy shoreline, relatively shallow water with mud bottom supporting sedges and rushes, pondweeds, Fragrant Water Lily, Blue Flag, Sagittaria spp and Pickerelweed.
Male Vesper Bluet (Enallagma vesperum)
July 02, 2010

An immature male Vesper Bluet (Enallagma vesperum) that has not yet attained the lime-green color of a fully mature adult. This is another species that seems to be a favourite host for phoretic mites (June 08, 2010).

Female Vesper Bluet (Enallagma vesperum)
June 25, 2010

A teneral female Vesper Bluet (Enallagma vesperum) – note the blurred, smudged appearance of the shoulder stripe, a female Orange Bluet's would be distinct and clearly defined (June 17, 2010).