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Equality, Solidarity, Fraternity.
The French Revolution ideals from the end of the  XVIII century are as valid now as then.
But they can be only words, because without the action, the compromise to assume them as yours, ideals are only that, some words in a nice sentence.
Along my life I have been trying to not be a quiet, blind witness, of what is happening in the world that surrounds me.
I believe in the pacific methods of fight (because it is some sort of fight) as the best tools to reach real and longstanding changes.
I don't believe in the indifference over other people's suffering, is an easy position, an almost criminal way of scape. I believe in compassion.
One of the most questioning things for me, when I see the terrible situation that lives more than two thirds of the humanity, is the simplicity of the solutions, not only to aleviate but to erradicate the causes.
But I don't believe that those solutions can come only trough political methods, confrontations, generous or humble economic donations. They are important, but not enough.
I believe that the changes requiere something more deep, an espiritual change (respecting each and every faith or personal attitude), in our minds, in our way to perceibe life and the marvelous gift that we have of being part of the humanity.
I can sound naive, but my experiences shows me that I'm everything but naive.
Because of that I have participated and I participate in every effort that I can to get real changes in a pacific and democratic way.
If you read this lines and share my views I would love to make contact.
One by one we can be a lot, and believe me, there's a lot of people who share our points of view.
Fortunatelly, in my long time dedicated to make my humble contribution for the cause of Human Rights, I have found a great number of people with whom I share many ideas.
This is important: It's not necessary to share ALL the ideas but to have the will to understand each other's.
In my motherland, Peru, I have been allowed to share the work of institutions as the peruvian Legal Defense Institute (IDEELE), National Coordinator of Human Rights, as many other citizens initiatives.
Besides the joy of working together with these institutions and persons it also showed me that to get changes IS POSSIBLE.
For an example, during mid 90's, I joined an small group of  young people for the effort of getting rid of the terrible and corrupt dictatorship of Alberto Fujimori and Vladimiro Montesinos using  non violent methods.
We were not polititians. Many believed that we were a bunch of naive idealists because of our methods: Street performances, humorous and ironic actions, etc. Time showed that we were right: Dictatorships and abusers has not yet invented the weapons to kill a good joke or torture an irony, the dictatorship fell bitting his own tail.
As I don't want to bore anybody with a long speech about Human Rights or the many injusticies of this world, let me share with you some examples of my humble contributions.
"Casa de Grillos", "Cricket's House", is one of this examples. It was a radio soap opera to promote concience about Civic and Human Rights with a huge success and is still used in some of Peru's radio stations.
Scripts for TV series, Posters and Slogans designs... As a communicator I use al the skills that I have been blessed with, not only for my own good, but as my way to be part of making this world a more decent place.
Wake up and do your part!
Click the button to hear some Chapters of "Cricket's House"
ONE Campaing
Amnesty International
This are some of many organizations that work to make a better world. Visit them and probe it!
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