
Notice to Art Association Members:

If you visit our web site, please bookmark it. Then try to come back
as often as you remember to so that we will start coming up on
search engines when people search for the GCAA Art Association.


Our newsletter is no longer available for viewing on our web site.


Members are encouraged to get in touch with our Webmaster, Linda, if you want your name,
a sample of your work, your web site, and information about you listed on our Artists Page.




Art Classes:

Elizabeth Rosetti 228-392-2452

Cecily Cummings 864-3581

John & Tricia McDonald



New Members for the year:






Web Site
Contact Linda Nix at 388-4088 or email her at [email protected].
The web site is http:www.geocities.com/gulfcoastartassociation/





Page created 7/13/06
Updated 8/6/06

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws