BACK                                     THE ROYAL GAZETTE, FRIDAY, 11th MARCH, 1915.

Words to His Comrades in the
B.V.R.C. Contingent.
  We publish the following letter from Private A. G. Tear as we consider it shows a fine soldierly spirit, and we are sure his companions, many of whom are in the Active Service Contingent, will be glad to hear of him, the letter is written to his father, Mr. G. Tear.
   �Just a few lines to let you know that I received your papers to-day but sorry I did not get a letter. Very pleased to see by papers how many of my chums have volunteered; they will have to go some to beat me. I�m going up to the firing-line to-morrow (Sunday), 7th Feb, I am now satisfied. I�ve been over this side of the globe 6 months now, and just got the chance of having a taste of it. You might give any of the boys, you happen to run across, my regards.Tell them: THEY DON�T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE MISSING; IF THEY DON�T HURRY UP AND GET OUT HERE THEY WILL MISS ALL THE FUN. If you should run across Sergt. Major Smith, of the B.V.R.C. tell him that I say he had better put the boys  through a GOOD AND STRONG, as they will need all of it out here. . . .Well, I�ll write you as often as I can; of course you know just how I�m fixed now, so don�t be at all worried, I shall be alright.� --122289, A.G. Tear, 1st Bedfordshire Regt., British Expiditionary Force, France.
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