St. Paul: Winter

St. Paul: Winter

{Photo Gallery}


This year, I went with my mom, sister, Uncle Lou & Aunti Lita (just arriving back from the Philippines after visiting their homeland for 4 months) to the Winter Carnival in St. Paul's Harriet Island. It was a typical cold freezing January afternoon (27th of Jan 07'), which we couldn't stay outside too long. We went here after attending my younger brother's birthday party...

-Ice Palace Models from the Past

*all these were during my life-time, which is the reason why I took a picture of them.


1986 Ice Palace - St. Paul Winter Carnival

" 6 minutes of video of the construction on the 1986 Saint Paul Winter Carnival Ice Palace."

101 Ways To Show Appreciation To Your Volunteers
"Volunteers are the life-blood of many organizations and businesses. If you use volunteers, you depend upon their passion and commitment to get much of your work done. But utilizing volunteers is much more than making an appeal and then giving assignments to those who show up. They need to know they are a valued part of your business or organization. And they need to be appreciated and cared for, even as you appreciate and care for your staff. This book offers you 101 ways to show appreciation to your volunteers - that's part of keeping them. We also offer tips on recruitment, placement, management, and retention of these very special people."
*With God's help!

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