St. Paul: Como Park

I went to the newly (years ago) remodeled Como Park Zoo for the first time since elementary/middle school on the weekend of January 6th-7th of 2007. My sister and I took Tony&Margarita (from Bulgaria) twice to see both the zoo and conservatory. The first day we went, we went torward s closing time (4pm), which Tony thought 1 hour wasn't enough.

Saturday, January 6th of 2007-Como Zoo

Tony (vetrenarian graduate) was probably the most interested of the group in this part of Como Park. He loves animals! He thought this zoo is very well kept and a lot more fancier than the one back at his home in Bulgaria.

Sunday, January 7th of 2007-Conservatory

Visit from Cousin Marivic (from the Philippines) on Saturday, July 21st of 2007

*pictures are backwards in order (latest to recent)

Como Conservatory

Marivic checks out the gift shop!

Como Zoo

Como's Rides
*totally remodeled since I came here as a kid!

More of the Zoo...

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