Hello Site Users,
    Thanks for taking interest in visiting this webpage. I assure you that you can get every type of informations about NEPAL in this site. The only thing you've to do is roll your mouse over to the correct spot.      We live in the country called NEPAL and I bet you that our country is not lagging in any means (except economy and living conditions which are countable in fingers) For Example, Don't you agree with me if I say:
i. We own exotic locations & breath-taking Himalayas.
ii. We posses unique blend of art and culture.
iii. We are born in country having countless world famous personalities.
iv. We live in a country with gallant history.
v. We have species of faunas and floras which is impossible to find in other countries.

     So, why are you wiating!! Just surf around these links and find out if I am telling the truthand moreover ENHANCE YOUR PRIDE.

Thank You !!!

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