Level Of The Week Monday January 26th
Escape from Actaltraz

by Kevin Shanahan

Actaltraz? Huh?

The level is pretty good, especially considering this is Kevin's first level. The outdoor area especially is amazing with its wide open spaces and giant crane... Of course all this has a big hit on performance, and although it was smooth on my P166MMX with 3Dfx acceleration, on lesser computers its likely to crawl in places.

1 - The Secret Installation
by Iikka Keranen
(WWW Page)

This level is quite possibly the best Quake level I've ever seen. What sets it above the rest is the amazing attention to detail. For example, one room looks like it has been hit by an airstrike - bits of shattered floor and ceiling lie amongst the disordered crates, and broken metal beams hang twisted from the ceiling, the sky visible through holes in the cement. It has to be seen to be believed...

This is a huge, highly detailed, excellently designed level, rather reminiscent of Quake II... When you play it, be sure to have a box of tissues next to your computer to wipe the drool off the keyboard...

2 - El Temple Del Sol
by Rob Marton
(WWW Page)

A beautiful meso-american style level featuring some new textures and skins. The level design is some of the most impressive and most original I've seen in a long time, from the towering cliffs of the intro map to the labyrinthine confines of the main level. Atmospheric, intricate, and attractive.

Also by Rob Marton -

3 - Starship II
by Neil Manke

Impressive sequel to Neil Manke's original Starship level...

Starship II is typical Neil Manke - well crafted level, plenty of puzzles, lots of new textures and skins, and QuakeC trickery courtesy of Brazilian Einar Saukas. Full of great features like cracking ice, flying shuttles, and a cut-scene ending featuring a rocket take-off... The low gravity and slippery ice also add to the realism of the level, and the actual level design is equally good with some great outdoor areas as well as an abandoned base. There's even some almost Tomb Raiderish puzzles.

In short, the whole thing oozes quality... Get it. Now.

Also by Neil Manke -

4 - Area 51
by Anders Gustavsson
(WWW Page)

Beautifully crafted three pack of levels set in the infamous Area 51. The level design is impressive and on an epic scale, with the all-new textures adding to the atmosphere with pipes, computers, twisted metal and machinery...

5 - The Cassandra Calamity
by Marcus Dromowicz
(WWW Page)

The tenth, and probably last, Quake I level in the mexx series, Cassandra is by far the best of the set, featuring great level design and a bucketload of QuakeC mods. This truly is an amazingly atmospheric PAK, featuring two impressive levels, rotating doors and fans, a lab, cut-scenes, a malfunctioning elevator, lots of new sound effects, and a coherent story to tie the whole thing together...

There's even a new monster - a sort of super-enforcer that is almost indestructible. Even without them, these are damned hard levels - there are more bad guys in these two maps than in most Quake II episodes! Which is impressive in itself, bringing the action to an almost Doom-like intensity with grunts and enforcers everywhere.

Cassandra Calamity needs Quake 1.08 or higher to run properly due to the huge number of entities on each level... Check my Quake FAQ for a download link if you haven't already got it...

6 - Shadow Over Innsmouth
by Steve Rescoe

Set in a quaint medieval fishing village with a terrible secret... Some stunning new textures, mind-numblingly detailed architecture, and atmospheric lighting.

7 - The Vigil
by Wright Bagwell

Not your average Quake level this. Oh no. Instead of going out there and finding monsters to kill, this time the monsters come to find you as you attempt to defend your dead friend's corpse against all comers. Not only is it a highly original concept (one of the first to grace Quake in some months), but it also looks great as well, probably because Wright could spend all his time on perfecting only half a dozen rooms.

Also by Wright Bagwell -

8 - Bridges and Towers
by Jim Hendrickson

Level Of The Week - Friday August 29th. A visually stunning heavy-on-metal level with pools of lava all over the place and towering walls and walkways all around. Damned impressive, and challenging. One of the best levels I've seen in some time...

9 - Discordia
by Creed

A large and highly detailed fortress-style level dominated by metal and slime. Looks good and plays good - its only faults are that it's a little easy, and that it gets a bit dark in places. Despite the high level of detail, this level runs just as fast as the original id levels.

10 - Critters
by Jim Lowell

A nightmarish world of rusting steel, this is an amazingly built level with eye-dropping good looks. It oozes atmosphere...

Also by Jim Lowell -

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