Gaelic Christmas Song from Cape Breton

Helen Creighton, a local folklorist, collected MANY songs and stories over the years. A number were published in the book, Gaelic Songs of Nova Scotia. The following song is one which wasn't in that collection.

From the Helen Creighton Collection

Òran Nollaig

Mu'n àm seo dhe na bhliadhna
Tha "Santa Claus" cho fialaidh,
Is' daoine s'iad fo fhiabhrus
Ag iarraidh chun na craoibh
Bhi dèanamh "time" do phàisdean,
Mar chleacheadh anns an àite
Bi cluich, 'us ceòl gàire
Ri fhaicinn air gach taobh.
'S e bu choir bhi taingeil
Luchd sgoil na h-aibhne Frangech
Dòmhnul 's e na chean' orra
Cumail suas a chliu
Bha Dòmhnul dhuibse ag innse
Gu robh a chlann cho digrave;leas
Air leubhadh agus sgriobhadh
'Sa h-uile ni air tugrave;s
When Don Fraser is the fireman
The heat it would surprise you
R.J. says he is frying
He sits down near the stone
Is aithne dhuibh a chairdean
Nach eil sinn math air bardachd,
Cead soraidh dhuibh an dràsda
Agus bliadhna mhath ùr.
Christmas Song

About this time of the year
Santa Claus is so generous
And people are in a fever
Want to be at the tree.
Making parties for children
As is the custom of the district
Fun, music and laughter
To be seen everywhere.
They ought to be thankful
The scholars of French River
Donald is leading them
Keeping up their fame.
Donald was telling you
That the children were so faithful
at reading and writing
And everything important.
When Don Fraser is the fireman
The heat it would surprise you
R.J. says he is frying
He sits down near the stone
You know, friends,
That we aren't good at poetry,
Best wishes to you now
And Happy New Year.

 1 - In verse one - line one, it could also be written/spoken as
     Mu'n àm seo dhe n' bhliadhna
 2 - The third through the fifth verses are apparently local people
     of the area where Miss Creighton recorded it. May be left out.
 3 - Sung to the tune of Ho Ro Mo Nighean Donn Bhoidheach.
 4 - Clary Croft, folk singer and friend of Helen Creighton, will be
     singing this some time during the Christmas season in the Nova
     Scotia area.
 5 - Translation by Somhairle MacGhillEathain.

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