Like any good Otaku Senshi fan site, I would like Voice Actors for my characters. Just read at least 1 out of 3 of the lines below (all three will help me decide better, and you can add extras if you like!) spessify which character it is, and send them to me at [email protected] The winning voices will be posted here.
Audition Lines
Sailor Gemini/Selene Kinsei - Voiced By: Lady Sachiko
�Even the moon has a dark side. And that is I, Sailor Gemini, Zodiac Scout of Death, here to punish those who wish to cover this land in evil.�
�I don�t understand�Everyone else has such strong feelings. Why don�t I?�
�What do you mean? Of course I�m Sailor Gemini!�
Sailor Libra/Cassie Tokimo - �The balance of good and evil has been thrown off. I, Sailor Libra, Zodiac Scout of the Eternal Balance, shall defeat those who wish to disrupt the delicate structure.�
�Cyprus, what�s gotten into you?�
�It�s Cassie. Not Cassandra. Don�t call me Cassandra.�
Sailor Aquarius/Kristy Aregeto-Kinsei - �The pages of the book of knowledge show the truth. I, Sailor Aquarius, Zodiac Scout of Wisdom, will use them to defeat you.�
�Wow! It�s like a huge library! This is amazing�Any Sci Fi stuff up there?�
�This book is quiet fascinating, Selene�It�s odd�There�s always something new, no mater how many times I read it, and some things keep changing�It doesn�t tell you everything, though.�
Sailor Sagittarius/Tia Carikana - �Mistress of the hunt and ruler of the woods, I, Sailor Sagittarius, Zodiac Scout of Protection, am here to defend this planet.�
�That�s it, Selene! I�m sick of this I�m-too-strong-too-care attitude of yours! Don�t you have a heart?!�
�My father, the god Apollo, master of the hunt, hear my call! Heal my friends and defeat my enemies with your holy arrow!�
Sailor Capricorn/Aikari Mianka - �Sincere and gentle as the early morning�s dew, I, Sailor Capricorn, Zodiac Scout of Sincerity, am here to show you there error of your ways.�
�(giggle) He was kinda cute....�
�What? Why aren�t you guys moving?��Oh�Oo
Sailor Virgo/Sora Mikatoni - Voiced By: Cookie Crumbs
�Against the traitors, my plants know no limits. I, Sailor Virgo, Zodiac Scout of Prosperity, am here plant my garden.�
�You�re outta your league, kid. I have mastered every move you could ever make and hundreds more besides.�
�Ah, my little Sagittarius. You remember not your old teacher?�
Sailor Taurus/Akane Hitani - �With the strength and power of the mighty bull, I, Sailor Taurus, Zodiac Scout of Power, will run you through with my might.�
�You defeat me?! Ha! That�s a laugh!�
�Haven�t you figured it out yet, Little Capricorn?�
Sailor Cancer/Lana Kamika - �Soft and warm is the touch of the healer. I, Sailor Cancer, Zodiac Scout of Health, am here to heal the wound of your fighting.�
�Little Aquarius! My dear student, is that really you? I see you�ve master the book well. Always knew you would!�
�I still don�t understand why we must fight. We did abandon them, after all.�
Sailor Aries/Mien Arika - Voiced by: Molly
�I strive for the beautiful smell of fresh blood on our battlefield. That�s why I, Sailor Aries, Zodiac Scout of War, am here to quench that thirst.�
�Oh, poor Little Libra. Seams the student has not yet surpassed the master, eh?�
�Then it is decided! The traitors shall not live!�
Click here for the Black Stars and Cypris's lines
Or here, for scenes from the story!
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