Sailor Aquarius uses this book to aid the Zodiacs in thier quest. Here, it will tell you all about them, good and the bad.*Spoiler Warning*
Bright Zodiacs
The Bright Zodiacs are the 'good guys'. During the Zodiac Wars, these five younger ones became lost on the moon, thier memories wiped, and soon joined with the Solar Scouts for home and protection. Each was taught thier skills by one of the Dark Zodiacs
Sailor Gemini- Scout of Death
Sailor Libra- Scout of Balance
Sailor Sagittarius - Scout of Protection
Sailor Aquarius - Scout of Wisdom
Cypris - Guardian of the Bright Zodiacs
Sailor Capricorn - Scout of Sincerity
The Black Stars
The Ultimate Enemy, the Black Stars are aliens bent on finding the Black Nightmare to defeat the Zodiacs and rule the world. But some may have a closer connection than others....
Grand Lord Daricon
Dark Zodiacs
These Zodiacs are older and more experenced, and so fought in the wars. Only four out of the seven managed to survive, and they have joined with the Black Stars to defeat the 'traitors' or Bright Zodiacs.
Sailor Cancer- Dark Scout of Health
Sailor Virgo - Dark Scout of Fertility
Sailor Taurus - Dark Scout of Power
Sailor Aries - Dark Scout of War
Secondary Characters
The Centauri Senshi
Most of the bio pictures on this site were done by the wonderful artist Sailor Dusk. As of July, 2004, only Virgo, Aries, Cancer, Taurus, Daricon  and the three Centauris were drawn by Gemini Star, which you can tell, seeing as they're not very good. All other peices of art featured on this page and on others of this site have been given thier rightful credit, and if they haven't, then e-mail and yell at me for being an idiot, and I will fix it ASAP..
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