It's dark. It's fast. It's action packed. This is not your parents roller coaster. It's THE LOST RIDE!! A fast paced shooting game thats fun & addictive. Strap yourself in, take aim, and blast away. Accuracy is the key, miss and you're a crispy critter.

At first look, I thought "Oh great, another SEWER SHARK� clone.". But once you get into the game, you realize the immense difference. Starting with the beautifully 3-D rendered worlds, which are nothing short of remarkable. The detail that the desingers went to makes you really feel like you're there, from sharks swimming through the aquatic level to the rusted decaying ships & mine cars that fly by you may actually find yourself leaning into the turns. In short, VERY impressive.

The sounds however, are another matter. Most of the games sound effects are your traditional shot & explosion fare, with some cheap effects for creature screams. Not bad in all, but combined with the constant hum of your vehicle as it races along the track, it can get a little repetitive. What I was expecting to hear in a game like this is sounds of a roller coaster. However, the only time you hear sound effects like that is durring level the completion stage. Durring these sequences, haveing a stereo tv or Dolby� Surround Sound system makes it even better, adding even more to that "I'M THERE" feeling.

Now, onto what has been the problem with this type of game. REPLAY. Surprisingly, it has tons. Each time you begin a new game, the levels are randomly generated, so you'll never play the same level twice. Adding the fact that you pan the screen with your controler to shoot hard to hit targets, and at the switches, you can choose your path, make it really intense & entertaining. These effects combined can make you forget you're playing a "tracked" game. They could have made a better interface for the switches, you'll often find yourself flying down the wrong track, just because a monster had to be zapped.
On a final note, not to take anything away from this exceptional game, but the creator FORMULA DEVELOPERS should have put it through some more testing before releasing it. More than a few people have reported such things as freeze-ups durring boss fights, temporary lockups, video playback that temporarily leaves the game & more. However, most of these are not fatal, and the game does recover, you just may find yourself in an area that you can't identify. A good time to bring up the map.

Number of Players : 1
Requires DV Cart : Yes
Rec. Controler: 4-Button Pad

Graphics :
Sounds :
Control :
Replay :

Overall rating :

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