Welcome to HELL. But it's not what they showed you on your album covers... it's worse. In this game you play Mutt (shown left), a devil who, thanks to the luck of the draw has the unfortunate task venturing through the pits of hell to get the dark lord his dinner.

But what would his dark majesty want? Souls? Nah! Evil Doers? Nope! Lawyers? God No!.. He wants a mystical pizza.

However, this is a route even the most heavily armed Domino's delivery guy wouldn't take. Monsters, demons & horrors of every kind lurk around every corner, waiting to drag you into their lair. Survive, and you'll be hansomely rewarded by the dark lord. Fail, and its the torture pits for you.

Sheesh! Wouldn't it have been easier to order in?

Litil Divil is a really enjoyable adventure game. Borrowing elements from various other games, it is well executed in most respects. The map/explore screen (shown left) allows you to wind your way through the mazes of the underworld, finding hidden items, and healing agents for you to use. The on-screen map (upper-left corner of image) helps to keep you from getting too lost, but for long term play, graph paper might be a help.

Some of the puzzles in the game are blatantly easy. Like this fight scene (shown right) all you must do is knock the guy in the leg with your stick and he goes flyin'. However, each of the games battles & puzzles becomes more difficult as you progress. Keeping the fun alive, and allowing you to use your brain... not just your thumb speed.

Number of Players : 1
Requires DV Cart : Yes
Rec. Controler: 3-Button pad

Graphics :
Sounds :
Control :
Replay :

Overall rating :

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