Ah! For the old days of the arcade. Back when games were visually simple, hard on the hands and hellaciously addictive. Also when even the most popular games were still only ONE quarter. Looking for a blast from the past, but with the graphic flair of the present? Then Golden Oldies might just be for you. The added bonus of two games in one is a plus, but, sadly, it probably will not deliver what many players will be expecting.

First, we'll start withGUARDIAN. At best, a second rate attempt to bring the classic arcade game DEFENDER into the higher end graphics era. Fans of the Defender will be able to automatically pick up and start playing. Very few rules have changed, just the button configuration. Graphicly, its neat looking, with a more 3-D look to it. However, the varying color use gives the enemy free shots at you in scenes with a starry background or that has multiple enemies on it. While no slowdown was really prevelant, there was some noticable graphic flicker with multiple enemies and projectiles on the screen, adding even more frustration to the already irritating projectile problem.

From the audio stand point, one word came to mind... POOR. Even the arcade games of old would cringe in shame at the half-assed sound captures used as in-game effects. Control is ok. Nothing to yell about. The 4-button pad is actually a hinderance as you don't have that grip on the controler that the 3-button pad provides. On the 4-button, I found myself hitting the pause button (combo of 1&II) more often than the fire. A good game for kids, but not for the adutls or fans of the classic game.

Now to the other game, INVADERS. Talk about your pieces of crap. About the only saving grace is the above average graphics. Yes, it's only a SPACE INVADERS so I wasn't expecting much, but whoa! I guess I should have set my expectations lower, perhaps just expecting a blank disc would have been better. Heh. Graphicly it's a slight improvment on the classic, yet very un-pleasing to the eye. Sound was laughable at best. Captured emotionless screams were used for the explosions of the destroyed enemies, and the standard 'pew pew' sound for your gun... thats about it.
Control is responsive, but theres not much you could really do to make it bad. It did seem a bit touchy at times, however, when using the thumbstick.

Overall, it might be a good game for young children. But if you're a fan of classic arcade games, or even just looking for a game to kill a little time with, I'd reccomend you look elsewhere. There is just so little here to really enjoy. A truely poor attempt.

Number of Players : 1
Requires DV Cart : No
Rec. Controler: 3-Button Controler

Graphics :
Sounds :
Control :
Replay :

Overall rating :

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