ITS WAR!!! The evil (your choice of villanous military force's name here) have attacked. Time to roll out the Navy and defend your country from assualt. Deploy your ships, and ready your weapons. It's going to be a tough fight. Will your forces be able to fend off the vicious assualt? Your strategy and ability may be all that can save you. Good luck Admiral. The fate of your country is in your hands.

This is a truely classic board game. One of my personal favorites. Battleship has always been fun, even when you had opponents who ALWAYS played the same way. heh. A real treat sometimes is when programmers and designers don't make too many changes to a classic to keep the feel of the original game in tact. Saddly, this is too true in this case. The gameplay remains faithful to the original, and transfer of it to the video game age should have been slightly more intresting.

Being an early CD-i title, hopes weren't very high for many innovations. These expectations were met however. A solid, exact representation of the original board game. To keep you in the WAR mood, they have stock footage of ships manuvering, firing weapons and shell hits & misses playing in the lower lefthand corner.. Pretty decent, albeit very small. Sometimes the looping of these files pauses gameplay. A major no-no. But, all in all a nice addition to break up the mediocre graphics.

Sound is pretty solid, no real music except for the intro and title page. Audio for the video plays over the game. Pretty straight forward horns, guns and waves sounds. Not too distracting or droning. Options for gameplay are nice. I usually chose one shot per ship. The other options are nice, but that way you're rewarded for strategy of layout of your ships, and for your shot accuracy. A really neat change. Control with the thumbstick is pretty clean, but all in all the mouse or game pad is reccomended.

To sum it up, this game is a faithful translation of the classic board game. No real bells and whistles (except in the video.. heh) but nothing to really keep this one from being a nice diversion. Reccomended for a fun game to play with a friend, or just to kill some time playing the computer.

Number of Players : 1
Requires DV Cart : No
Rec. Controler: CD-i Mouse

Graphics :
Sounds :
Control :
Replay :

Overall rating :

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