Alice in Wonderland is a cute tale of a little girl and her adventures down a magical rabit hole. Can you help Alice in her adventures. Lots of characters to talk to, and things to find and do. What will happen? Its all up to you. Now get going!! Wonderland awaits!!!

Ok, this is one of the most tedious adventures I've ever played. Sure, its a "time-less classic, but come on! This could have been at least a little more intresting. Seeming more like an update to the gaming engine that ran LASERLORDS, AiWL will not gain any followers for tight gameplay. Starting with a very disjointed telling of the basic story, you have to muddle around and discover where the people in the story are hiding just to get the basic permise (the trip down the rabbit hole) started. Not that bad as a whole, but seeing as how the game puts several starting elements far apart from each other, it gets to be boring walking back and fourth
between the areas constantly.

As to the sound, this is hit and miss. The voice-overs are pretty clean, but man do they add to the transition and load times. Makes this a game that you have to have ALOT of time to play.Music in the game is just your basic fare, nothing impressive, but not too annoying either for moderate periods of time. Conversations with characters take time not only for their response to load, but for your question to vocally be asked. A bit annoying.

Graphicly, its very simplistic. Very clunky animation of your basic advenutre (see Right) is a bit harsh on the eyes after a while, and conversaions with characters (see above) are sometimes treated with reasonable claymation animation scenes, othertimes, it just seeems they ran out of time and/or CD space as its just one still shot that still takes too much time to load. It is an upgrade of Laserlords engine as I stated, with the adventure animation haveing a few more frames, and conversations being a bit more lively, but unless you have ALOT of time to play, the game's load times will put you off quickly.

Control is one thing this game is very inconsitent on. If you decide to get into a conversation with some characters, you're locked there until you ask the right (or all) the questions. Interface with jumping and crawling seems to be forced at times.

Overall a nice attempt at a storybook adventure, but not very solid. Standing on shakey ground for the whole game, the game might move you... But even that's not a guarantee.

Number of Players : 1
Requires DV Cart : No
Rec. Controler: 3-Button Gamepad

Graphics :
Sounds :
Control :
Replay :

Overall rating :

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