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EPISODE 11: HOOK LINE AND SINKER - "On a fishing trip, Karen doesn't sleep with Hank, while the entire community of Dog River enjoys a very public battle of wits between Brent and Lacey."

This episode features Pamela Wallin as herself and Canadian Idol judges Farley Flex, Jake Gold, Sass Jordan and Zack Werner as themselves.

OVERALL IMPRESSION: The road sign war between Lacey and Brent alone puts this episode in the top five of the first season, and the joke on Oscar is icing on the cake.

MEMORABLE MOMENT: At the peak of the road sign war, Lacey comes into Corner Gas and pleads with Brent to put a stop to it because business has been so good lately. Wanda then points out that the sign war has been responsible for the upswing in sales. Upon hearing this, Lacey immediately helps Brent form a sign that insults her. Capitalism at its finest.

MEMORABLE LINE: In response to Hank's "I don't want what happened that day to wreck what was a perfectly good non-friendship (17:37), " Karen says "You're right - before that day we had something that was not special at all. I hope we can go back to that."

FUNNIEST SCENE IN THIS EPISODE: It's tempting to nominate the road sign war, because when Brent throws subtlety out the window with the "The food at the Ruby sucks" sign and Lacey responds with a sign of equal subtlety (or lack thereof), I had to pause the DVD both times because I was laughing so hard. However, since both of these scenes required a buildup, they don't qualify (my site, my rules). Therefore, for a single scene I have to give the nod to the trick the gang played on Oscar inside the Ruby (from 10:10 to 11:15).


1.) At 1:55 when Hank hits Karen and calls her "punch buggy," she moves her left hand towards her right shoulder. A split second later, the angle changes, and no such movement is evident.

2.) At 3:50, when Hank and Karen are talking inside Hank's truck, there are sizeable cracks all over the windshield. However, these cracks aren't visible a split second before this scene (when the camera shows the front end of the truck going down the road), nor are they visible at 4:59 when Hank and Karen get out of the truck.

3.) At 7:30, when Hank offers bug spray to Karen, her hair on her left (viewer's right) shoulder is outside her white sweater. When Hank begins spraying himself, her hair is inside the sweater.

4.) At 12:11, when Davis says "Darth Vader would never fight Mr. Spock," look at the couple over his left (viewer's right) shoulder. The scene shifts to Karen and then back to Davis within all of a second, during which the couple has moved forward thirty or forty feet.

5.) When Lacey and Brent are sitting in a booth and making up new signs (15:32), her hair is behind her right (viewer's left) shoulder when she says "Okay, what about this?" Instantly, some of her hair jumps over her shoulder in the next shot. In the shot of Lacey immediately after that, even more of her hair jumps over her shoulder - all of this even though her head remains still when the shots are not focused on her.

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