Can You Guess My Name?

Or so goes the Rolling Stones' song, which you may have heard if you were ever subject to the Satanic deviancy of rock n' roll music.   The devil incarnate, ever a gentlemen, expresses his satisfaction at his introduction and then asks us to guess his name.  

After you read my online manuscript, I hope is that you'll conclude Sadiqi Az-Zindiki is his nomme de web.  The contents of these pages are the rough drafts of chapters for my book in progress, or miscellany from some of my online efforts to critique and satire Islam- particularly Islamic propaganda on the web.  

And so the mandatory Ayatollah General's warning:

For the sake of public health and safety, I feel compelled to warn all  visitors to this page of my sulfuric breath, obtrusive horns, and goat hooves.  For those subscribers to the dubious thesis that there is no God but Allah, I suggest you seek refuge in Allah from the cyber-Satan immediately.  As is apparent already to the true Submitter, this manuscript is but a small jigsaw piece of the global conspiracy to destroy magnificent Islam, and the Elders of the Council of Zion have bankrolled this effort well into the next century.  Audhubillahi.   


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