The Values-Image Continuum

By Craig Miyamoto, APR, Fellow PRSA

(This is an expanded version of the 2002 Third Quarter issue of Public Relations Strategies, a quarterly publication of Miyamoto Strategic Counsel)

Values → Policy → Action → Credibility → Trust → Reputation → Image

What is an organization�s image? It is a public perception of what an organization is, what it stands for, and what it does. It is in effect a fleeting sense in peoples� minds of what you are.

An image can be formulated with very little information, but the most positive images are preceded by a series of phenomena that provide educative information, and which if carefully thought out, will result in a better public perception of the organization.

This is the Values-Image Continuum.


It all starts with Values. All members of an organization bring their own system of values � of what is important to them � that differs in varying degrees within each individual. This amalgam of individual �guideposts� in large part determines the direction an organization will take. If decision makers� personal values are consistent with honest, ethical business practice, then the company�s values will reflect this underlying philosophy and predetermine organization policy.

Values → Policy

A Policy is simply an articulation of words that promise, words that guide, and words that help others judge what we do � words that hold the organization hostage to performance. In effect, a policy bases its verity on the value system of the organization. Policies reflect a strategic direction.

Policy → Action

An Action is an organization�s most visible activity to the public � the element that they see first. �What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say.� An organization is not judged by what it says, but what it does. Values and written policies serve no useful purpose if they do not lead to acceptable performance. Therefore, everything that an organization does must serve its stakeholders and the public good in a positive manner. Acceptable action is the first step.

Action → Credibility

Credibility is achieved when an organization�s actions � which reflect philosophy and policy � warrant and earn the public�s (and stakeholders�) respect (�They said this is what they believe in, they said this is what they are going to do, and by golly they did it.�). Credibility is the public relations practitioner�s stock in trade. It�s the currency with which we obtain our results. If people don�t believe we are credible, then we have no chance in earning their trust.

Credibility → Trust

Trust continues moving the public perception toward a positive image. When you have arrived at the point where you have established your credibility and are believed, people will trust you. At this point, there is a personal bond between your organization and your publics. Until now, there has been no investment on their part � all they�ve done up to this point is witness your action and decided that it would be in their best interests to believe you. Now, however, they are giving you part of themselves. Their trust has been earned, and it needs to be cherished. People do business with organizations they trust.

Trust → Reputation

Reputation is simply your organization�s good name. It is what you have been striving toward, and in a sense, it is the end product. A good reputation is critical to an organizations� success, especially in the long term. It�s not easy to attain, but once you have achieved a good reputation, it can be counted as a key asset. At this point, people will look kindly toward you if you have a good reputation in their minds. Or, they will look unkindly toward you if you have not acted responsibly, become credible, and earned their trust.

Reputation → Image

Image is the public perception of what you are. And if the public sees you that way, then consider it carved in stone. Reputation is what people think about an organization (an attitude); image is what it articulated, what they say about you (an opinion). A good image is a rather fickle phenomenon � it can change within one tick of the clock. But � if your philosophies are sound, if your policies support your philosophies, if you have acted responsibly and are credible, if you have earned trust and developed a good reputation, then your image is more likely to be a positive one.

Values → Policy → Action → Credibility → Trust → Reputation → Image

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