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Areas of primitive Pythagorean triangles and the perfect numbers

A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its divisors excluding itself. For example $ 6$ is a perfect number since its divisors are $ 1, 2, 3$ and $ 6$ where $ 1+2+3=6.$ All even perfect numbers are of the form $ 2^{s-1}\left(2^s-1\right)$ where $ 2^s-1$ is a prime. Such primes are called Mersenne primes. The first five perfect numbers are

  1. $ 2^1\left(2^2-1\right)=6$
  2. $ 2^2\left(2^3-1\right)=28$
  3. $ 2^4\left(2^5-1\right)=496$
  4. $ 2^6\left(2^7-1\right)=8128$
  5. $ 2^{12}\left(2^{13}-1\right)=33550336$

It's not known if there are any odd perfect numbers.

From corollary (1) and theorem (2) we see that it is no coincidence that the area of the $ 3\-4\-5$ triangle, the smallest Pythagorean triangle, is $ \frac{1}{2}\left(2^2-1\right)
\left(2^2\right)=2^1\left(2^2-1\right)=6$ , the smallest perfect number.

Let $ t$ be a positive integer such that $ 2^{t+1}-1$ is a prime (Mersenne prime). And let $ a^2+b^2=c^{2^t}$ be a primitive Pythagorean triangle. Then, as table (4) shows, the area $ \frac{1}{2} ab$ is a multiple of the perfect number $ 2^t\left(2^{t+1}-1\right).$


Consider the two primitive Pythagorean triangles $ 3^2+4^2=5^{2^1}$ and $ 5^2+12^2=13^{2^1}.$ In this case $ t=1.$

Since $ 2^{1+1}-1=2^2-1=3$ is a prime, we know that each area must be a multiple of the perfect number $ 2^1\left(2^2-1\right)=6.$ And indeed, $ \frac{1}{2} (3)(4)=\mathbf{6}$ and $ \frac{1}{2} (5)(12)=\mathbf{6} (5).$

Consider the two primitive Pythagorean triangles $ 7^2+24^2=5^{2^2}$ and $ 119^2+120^2=13^{2^2}.$ In this case $ t=2.$

Since $ 2^{2+1}-1=2^3-1=7$ is a prime, we know that each area must be a multiple of the perfect number $ 2^2\left(2^3-1\right)=28.$ And indeed, $ \frac{1}{2} (7)(24)=\mathbf{28} (3)$ and $ \frac{1}{2} (119)(120)=\mathbf{28} (255).$

Consider the two primitive Pythagorean triangles $ 164833^2+354144^2=5^{2^4}$ and $ 815616479^2+13651680^2=13^{2^4}.$ In this case $ t=4.$

Since $ 2^5-1=31$ is a prime, we know that each area must be a multiple of the perfect number $ 2^4\left(2^5-1\right)=496.$ And indeed, $ \frac{1}{2} (164833)(354144)=\mathbf{496} (58845381)$ and $ \frac{1}{2} (815616479)(13651680)=\mathbf{496} (11224329812535).$

Note: Since $ 5^{2^4}=\left(5^8\right)^{2^1}=\left(5^4\right)^{2^2},$ $ \frac{1}{2} (164833)(354144)$ is also a multiple of each of 6 and 28.

That is,

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f. barnes 2008-04-29
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