by Tom Miller - 10/01/98


40 dollar poem



I was working the front door

of the gay bar


not the best a man can do

but the pay is good


and up came the old black fellow

waving hello



I said




he said

what’s it cost to get in this place


and I said

3 dollars



Three dollars?



he had been in once before

I think


for happy hour

when we don’t charge cover


and I remember he had

two draft beers

on special


50 cents each

and that broke him

but he was having beer


and it was good



so there we were,

he and I.

you got some change you can spare?

He asked


because I need something to eat.



I said


not until I get paid.


oh, okay,

he said.


and a guy came in

and he asked the guy


you got some change you can spare?

And the guy walked past him


up to me and said,


can I just look in here to see

if my girlfriend is inside?


and I said,



just give me your I.D.

so i know you're here.


he went in and the

black guy walked outside


then the guy looking

for his girlfriend

came back and said,


she’s not here and he left.


A girl came from inside.


have you seen my boyfriend?

She asked.


Then the boyfriend returned.


oh, there you are,

they said

and hugged.


Can I go in for a few minutes

with my girlfriend?

he asked,


and I said,

just for a few or else

you’ll have to pay.


They went inside and

the black guy came back.


can I just go in for a minute?

He asked.


We stop the cover charge in ten minutes,

I replied.

Wait ten minutes, and it’ll be okay.



he said.


He went back outside

and then


the girl came up.


he’s being a dick,

she said.


She began to cry.

He’s being an asshole!


She went back in.


the boyfriend came back.

where is she?

He asked.


I don’t know,

i said,

but your time’s up.


he said,

can I just go in and look for her?


And I said,



it’s a 3 dollar cover charge.


Just for a second,

he said.


I promise I’ll leave just as

soon as I find her.


Fine. go on then,

I said.


And he went back in the club.

then the black guy came back.


can I go in yet?

He asked.


Five more minutes,

I said.


Okay, he said.

And he went back outside.


Then the boy and girl

came back arm in arm.


Thanks, pal.




He handed me two dollars.


What’s this for?

I asked.


Just for dealing with all the

trouble. He said. I’m sorry.


You don’t have to,

I said.


Keep it, he said.

They kissed and left.


I folded the two dollars up

and put them in my pocket.


Can I go in yet,

he asked.


It was the black fellow again.



I said.


I waved him on

and he went inside.


The boss came over.

good job tonight,

he said.


He handed me two

20 dollar bills.


I folded them up and

put them in my pocket.



I said.


The boss left and

the black man came back

a few minutes later.


No money in there,

he said.


I reached into my pocket,

and pulled out 2 bills.


I kept it hidden in my fist and

handed it to him.


what’s this?

He asked.


Two bills,

I said.

2 dollars.

Keep it.


now you can get

something to eat.


Thanks, man,

he said. and

See you for happy



Take care,

I said.


And he left.


Later that night

after cleaning up

beer cans



and the ashtrays,


I went home

on my bike.


i Went to the bedroom,

took off my shoes and socks,


my shirt,

my pants,


and sat naked

in the air conditioning.


I reached into the pocket

of my pants


to get the 20s.

pulled out 2 singles.


I’ll be goddamned,

I said.




then I poured a glass of wine

and wrote this poem


this 40 dollar poem

and it's all i have

for now


because I won’t see my rich friend


at happy hour ever again.



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