
Yay, Kids Next Door computer goodies.

Download Winamp Skin This is a simple Numbuh 2 Winamp skin made by Ika. Numbuh 2 is cute. He definitely deserves his own skin.

Download skin
Size: 53 kb

800x600 | 1024x768
This is just a very simple wallpaper featuring Numbuhs 1-5. The images are copyright Cartoon Network and Mr. Warburton, but I got them from Bizarro (with his permission), but the wallpaper belongs to me. Confused? Well, so am I.

800x600 | 1024x768
This is a wallpaper featuring a collage of 3/4 screenshots that I took. Wow, making this wallpaper really renewed the 3/4 fan inside of me. It was really fun going through episodes and finding 3/4 moments. ^___^ Anyway, the images are mine. Actually, they're not, but don't redistribute them (or the wallpaper) because I worked hard to get them all.

Download Icons
This is a Windows icon set that contains eight icons: Numbuhs 1-5, 86, 274, and 362. It's zipped, so you'll need to unzip it.

Download icons
Size: 4.6 kb (105 kb unzipped)

Download KiSS Doll
This is a KiSS doll. If you don't know what this is, go to the Big KiSS Page. In order to play with the doll, you have to have a KiSS viewer which you can get at the PlayFKiSS Home Page.

Download Kuki
Size: 78 kb
**Note: the .lzh file is zipped into a .zip file because Geocities doesn't allow you to upload .lzh files, so you'll have to unzip it before you play with it.**

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