Stqarrija ghall-istampa No 1/08

Fl-laqgha storika li saret fil-Kancellerija tal-Kummissjoni Gholja ghal Malta fl-Awstralja u NZ f'Canberra giet imniedja I-Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia. Id-delegati li attendew mill-iStati ta' NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia u Queensland approvaw unanimamet it-twaqqif ta' din il-Federazzjoni nhar is-Sibt 2 ta' Awwissu 08 wara Ii kienu ilhom isiru djalogi u preparazzjonijiet ghal hafna xhur. II-Federazzzjoni ghandha fil-miri taghha li tikkordina x-xoghol siewi li qieghed isir minn dawn fliskejjel tal-Malti biex ikomplu jahdmu f'atmosfera ta' ko-ordinazzjoni u ko-operazzjoni akbar biex il-lingwa u 1-kultura Maltija jkomplu jikbru u biex issahhah pedimenti aktar zonqrin.
Id-delegati pprezenti wrew I-apprezzament shih taghhom ghax-xoghol u gwida Ii taw ilKummissarju Gholi, I-E.T. Francis Tabone u l-Convenor, is-Sur Frank Scicluna biex din iI-Federazzjoni setghet tiehu I-ewwel passi taghha u biex qajjmet daqstant interess f'kull Stat u diversi regjuni fl-Awstralja.
Wara Ii giet approvata l-kostituzzjoni gie elett dan l-ewwel kumitat esekuttiv ta' din il-Federazzjoni:
President: Frank Scicluna OAM JP (South Australia)
Vici President: Edwidge Borg (Victoria)
Segretarju: Lawrence Dimech OAM JP (NSW)
Kaxxier u Public Officer: Alfred Flask (ACT)
Rosanne Pirotta (Victoria) nhatret ko-ordinatur ta' dawk I-istudenti Ii jridu jidhlu ghall-ezamijiet avvanzati fil-Malti mmexxija mill-Bord of Studies fl-iStati differenti. Ghal iktar informazzjoni dwar il-Federazzjoni kkomunitaw mal-President, Frank Scicluna TEL: (08) 8269 2948 Email: [email protected] jew mas-Segretarju Lawrence Dimech Tel 02 9631 9295 Email: [email protected]
5 t'Awissu 2008

At the historic meeting that was held at the Malta High Commission in Australia and New Zealand in Canberra the Federation of the Maltese Language Schools of Australia was inaugurated. The delegates from the States of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland unanimously approved the establishment of the Federation on Saturday 2 August 2008 after many months of discussion and preparation for this event.
The main objective of the Federation is to coordinate the work performed by the Maltese language schools and to assist them in working together in the spirit of better co-ordination and cooperation so that the Maltese language and culture will continue to grow and to reinforce the solid foundations of these institutions.
The delegates showed their great appreciation to the High Commissioner H.E. Francis Tabone and the Convenor Mr. Frank Scicluna for their solid work and guidance so that the Federation will be formed and for generating such interest in every State and region in Australia.
After the approval of the constitution the first executive of the Federation was was elected as follows:
President: Frank Scicluna OAM JP (South Australia)
Vice President: Edwidge Borg (Victoria)
Secretary: Lawrence Dimech OAM JP (NSW)
Treasurer and Public Officer: Alfred Flask (ACT).
Roseanne Pirotta (Victoria) was appointed coordinator of the senior classes where the students are prepared for a public examination in Maltese in various States.
For further information regarding the Federation please contact Frank Scicluna, President, on (08) 8269 2948 Email:[email protected] or Lawrence Dimech, Secretary, on (02) 9631 9292 Email: [email protected]

The establishment of the Federation of Maltese Schools in Australia is an important step in supporting, strengthening and coordinating the efforts of each Maltese language school in Australia. Importantly it will give the teachers a network to share their experiences and best practices. It may also encourage other cities and towns with a Maltese community to establish their own school. On behalf of the Committee of the Maltese-Australian Association of Canberra and Queanbeyan, I offer the Federation our support and best wishes.
Maude Caruana Secretary -Maltese-Australian Association of Canberra and Queanbeyan Inc

Kienet ahbar sabiha ghall-Kunsill Malti t�Adelaide meta sema li ser titwaqqaf federazzjoni tal-Iskejjel Maltin go l-Awstralja. Ahna ninsabu ukoll kburin li l-koordinatur tal-konfderenza huwa wiehed mill-komunita Maltija t�Adelaide, Frank Scicluna, li huwa wkoll l-konslu Malti u membru onorarju tal-kunsill taghna. Ahna nixtiequ li d-delegati jkomplu jinghaqdu u jahdmu flimkien ghat-tmexxija tal-federazzjoni li tant ghandna bzonn. Nisperaw li ma jkunx hemm minn ifixklek il-progress taghha halli jkomplu jimxu �l quddiem ghall-gid tal-Ilsien Malti fl-Awstralja u ghall-gid tat-tfal u zghazagh taghna li tant ghandhom bzonn mhux biss ezempju tajjeb minna, imma li ntuhom dak li wrietna minghand missirijietna u ommijietna � l-kultura Maltija. Prosit lil kulhadd.

John Farrugia
President tal-Kunsill Malti tas-South Australia
Vici-Konslu ta� Malta

To the National convenor, Frank Scicluna, and participants of the national meeting to establish the Federation of Maltese Language Schools.
I wish to send my best wishes and support to all attending this national meeting. The task you set yourselves aims to address a fundamental element in the preservation of the Maltese culture. Language is the foundation of all cultures, but sadly, there are increasing indications, even in Malta, that the Maltese language is under threat. Your efforts to provide the Maltese and the wider Australian community with the opportunity to learn and speak Maltese are admirable.
The success of your efforts to establish Maltese Language schools in all states and territories and an federal organization to coordinate and support these schools will be vital in maintaining and expanding the use of Maltese in Australia. The need and the desire within our community to learn Maltese exists � only the tools are missing or are in short supply. I commend you all for your efforts to remedy this situation.
I have confidence you will succeed. I note for example that Maria Formosa and Dr Sciberras will coordinate the Maltese school in Perth. Both have the ability and drive to meet this challenge but they also can rely on the two Perth associations � the Maltese Association of Western Australia and the Maltese Professional and Business Association of Western Australia - to provide moral support, resources and infrastructure . If such a school had operated earlier, I might have written this note in Maltese rather than in English. Although I and many other supporters cannot be physically with you on this occasion, rest assured we are with you in spirit. We all know you have the will and we are confident you will provide the way.
Paul Calleja � W.A.

I am positively impressed by your efforts and the progress you have collectively made. Obviously I wish you all the very best and all the possible success. Unfortunately, at this moment you have got me at an extremely hectic time besides my health playing up. So unfortunately I send my apologies for not attending the forthcoming conference but I will by then, send you a message of goodwill with critical comments which I know will be appreciated by all. We are pushing the same barrel. But matters are NOT so clear on many other fronts where the Maltese language is concerned.
Fond regards,
Roderick Bovingdon NSW

Thank you for keeping me up-to-date with all the developments of this project. I would love to be there for the meeting, but unfortunately I don't think it will be possible. However you have my full support and I am keeping our community updated on what is going on too. I will send you some comments to be read at the conference soon.
Kind regards
Sandra Micallef


Il-Mulej mieghek Frank!
Thank you for your email. I would have loved to be there fore the 'National Meeting to establish the Federation of Maltese Language Schools', however at the time I will be in Malta. I will be leaving Australia on the 24 July and be back on the 30 September. However, I had several discussions with Carmel Baretta and she will be coming to the meeting. Carmel is the President of the Mackay Maltese Club and is very keen on the Maltese Language (she is a student herself). I hope and pray that all goes well. If you need to contact me while I am away, I will have access to this email from home (Malta) and I will be checking it regularly. God bless and may the Holy Spirit continue to guide you and all delegates. Love and prayers
Sr Pauline Bonavia

Dear Frank,
Nirringrazzjak ghall-istedina!!.
Frank nawguralek! Jiena ma' nistax nigi ghalkemm kont innominat bhala wiehed mid-delegati biex nirreprezenta l-Maltese Language School of NSW-Skola tal-Malti, izda minhabba l-boghod u l-ksieh jiena m'accettajtx. Kif taf inti meta konna ghamilna l-laqgha fl'1998 fl-iskola ta' Ringrose, Greystanes, konna tkellimna fuq konferenza ma' l-Awstralja kollha li sfortunatament ma' saritx ghal xi raguni jew ohra. Jiena nixtieqilkhom kull success sakemm id-dirigenti li jittellghu jmexxu bl-ghaqal u jghamlu l-gid ghall-kommunita u ghall-ahjar ta' l-Iskola tal-Malti u mhux jahsbu fihom infushom .
Bil-kliem kollox jista jsir izda mbaghad meta' tigi ghal fatti ikun differenti. Bhal jghidu bit-Taljan "Paroli si fatti No"Il-Malti dejjem kien u jibqa ghaziz gio qalbi allavolja jiena gejt hawnhek mal-familja meta emigrajna f'Awwissu tal-1948 u ghalkemm il-mara tieghi Myrl hija Awstraljana dejjem fittixt u ndur mal-Maltin. Fil-11 t'Awissu ahna nghalqu 60 sena fl-Awstralja. Inselli ghalikhom u nawguralkhom!!
Salvatore (Sam) E. Vella OAM JP - NEW SOUTH WALES

My congratulations to you and all the delegates and proxies on this historic occasion. May the Maltese language continue to thrive in Australia as I�m sure it will with so many dedicated people at the helm. Good luck and my best wishes to all of the attendees.
Kind regards
Judy Pavia
Secretary Maltese Association of WESTERN AUSTRALIUA (Inc)

2 August 2008
Everybody knows that language forms the very basis of a culture, and loss of language is the very first threat to loss of that culture. We also know how difficult it is to pass on our language to our own children, in spite of our best intentions. There are too many factors militating against our succeeding in this endeavor.
It is therefore refreshing, if not entirely reassuring, that people like you gather here to find means whereby this desirable goal can be reached. I know of the extensive efforts being carried out in Victoria by dedicated teachers and organizers to encourage attendance at Maltese language schools, and I am sure that this is happening also in other states around the country. I would like to encourage you to continue with your efforts and not to be dissuaded and disillusioned by lack of participation or lack of appreciation by those who should know better.
One of the best known correlates with language loss is the density of people speaking the language. This has been well established in the past and has been amply demonstrated in the recent Australian census data, where it is clearly seen that language loss is occurring rapidly, but more so in those areas where there are relatively few people speaking Maltese. Mark Caruana and myself have published an article to this effect in The Times of Malta earlier this year. It is partly for this reason that a conference like this becomes even more relevant: to ensure that there is communication and cohesion between the various states, to maximize input, to share ideas, and to help keep up morale, which is also important.
I wish you well for this meeting, and hope that the Federation of Maltese Language Schools will serve as a fulcrum to project Maltese language back into our everyday life. It is hoped also that it will serve as a bridge between our efforts in Australia and the more recent developments at the University of Malta which now include a specific course in Maltese studies leading to a Masters degree in this subject. It is hoped that eventually, it will take full advantage of modern electronic means of communication so that everybody would be in a position to learn Maltese language easily on line. It is hoped that our children and their parents will start appreciating the value of having another language, not merely to use on holiday in Malta, or to earn an extra few points at VCE or equivalent matriculation examination, but as having an intrinsic value in establishing us as Maltese-Australians.
With my best wishes for a successful meeting,
Maurice Cauchi

MORE TO COME....................

We are also very pleased to announce that the Maltese language classes are about to start again. Previously, we had Mary Zammit as the teacher, then later, Dr Tony Sciberras. This time, Maria Formosa has graciously accepted to perform this role. Maria is a former school teacher, having taught in both Malta and Australia. The language classes are planned to commence later in the year and continue into 2009.
I hope that we would all take this opportunity to study and learn some Maltese words. It would be a sad end if this wonderful language would one day die in Western Australia. If we do not at least try to learn. Maltese, that time could be a reality for the next generations.
We need people to preserve the culture and traditions of our Maltese heritage long after we have gone.
Warmest Regards Carmen Morris

English Version

I am calling the final meeting of the Conference on the Teaching of Maltese which was held in October 2007. All those who attended the first part of the conference are entitled to attend and participate in the final session. This session will be held at Malta High Commission 38 Culgoa Circuit O'MALLEY, ACT at 9.30 am on Saturday 2 August 2008.
During the session will need to endorse the constitution, read and accept the minutes and then I hand over to the High Commissioner who has been appointed the Returning Officer to conduct the election for the first election of the new Executive Committee of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools.
Mr Tabone sent the agenda of the election and the Constitution. The delegates and the proxies of the 10 member schools are entitled to participate in the election but each school has only one vote.
I urge each member school to attend and sent one or two representatives for the August 2, 2008. It is important that your school will be present for this historical occasion. The first important and imminent issues that the Federation need to tackle is the VCE/HSC/SACE Year11 and 12 Maltese as an accredited subject endorsed by the State Education Departments. If we miss this opportunity then we would have lost the main purpose of the existence of our schools.

Verzjoni Maltija

Qed insejjah l-ahhar laqgha tal-Konferenza tat-Taghlim tal-Malti li bdejna f'Ottubru 2007. Dawk kollha li attendew l-ewwel konferenza huma ntitulati li jattendu u jippartecipaw f'din il-konferenza. Din il-laqgha ser issir nhar is-Sibt 2 Awissu 2008 fid-9.30 filghodu fil-Kummissjoni Gholja ta' Malta 38 Culgoa Circuit, O'MALLEY A.C.T.
Matul l-ewwel sezzjoni rridu nghaddu l-kostituzzjoni kif inhi, naqraw u naccettaw il-minuti tal-ewwel konferenza mbaghad l-hatra tieghi tispicca u nhalli f'idejn Kummissarju Gholi li gie maghzul bhala 'Returning Officer', biex imexxi l-ewwel elezzjoni tal-Kumitat Ezekuttiv tal-Federazzjoni l-gdida tal-Iskejjel Maltin.
Is-Sur Tabone bghatilkom l-agenda u l-kostitruzzjoni. Id-delegati u l-proxies tal-10 skejjel membri tal-federazzjoni huma ntitulati li jipparticpaw fl-elezzjoni izda kull skola jkollha vot wiehed.
Jiena nheggeg lill-iskejjel kollha biex jibghatu delegat u 'proxy' mill-iskola taghhom nhar is-Sibt 2 t'Awissu 2008. Huwa mportanti hafna li l-iskola tieghek tkun prezenti ghal din l-okkazjoni storika. L-ewwel problema li l-Federazzjoni l-gdida ser thabbat maghha hija z-zamma tal-Malti bhala suggett akkreditit li huwa acettat mid-dipartimenti tal-edukazzjoni. Jekk nilifu din l-opportunita' issa, nkunu qridna l-ghan principal tal-ezistenza tal-iskejjel tal-Malti.


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