Boys and Girls
Bryan Ferry
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Tabs Chords

Boy and Girls Chords

Slave To Love
Don't Stop the Dance
Stone Woman
~ tremelo/trill
b bend
h hammer
p pull off
(ghost note)
/ slide up
\ slide down

|:Fm           :| Except for

|Db/Ab         |Db/Ab       |Db          |Db         |     
  All           my           Love      

|Bb            |Bb         |Bbm         |Bbm         |     
  All           my          Love    

Slave To Love
Intro & Solo - Repeat 
|:Fm            |Fm            |A             |A            :|

|D             |D              |Bm            |Bm            |

|G             |G              |A             |A             |
|D             |D              |Bm            |Bm            |
1 Tell her I'll be waiting          In the ususal place
2 To need a woman               You've got to know 

|G             |G              |A             |A             |
1   With the tired and weary      'n' there's no escape           
2  How the strong get weak        And the rich get poor Slave to


|D             |D              |Bm            |Bm            |
 love                         oh                      Slave to
|G             |G              |A             |A             |

Don't Stop the Dance
|Am           |               |               |              |

|Am           |Am             |Em             |Dm            |

|Am           |Am             |Em             |Dm            |

|Am           |Am             |Em             |Dm            |
                               Mama  says  the truth is all that

|Am           |Am             |Em             |Dm            |
 matters                        Lying  'n'  deceiving is a

|Am           |Am             |Em             |Dm            |
 sin                           Drifting thru a world that's torn 

|Am           |Am             |Em             |Dm            |
 'n' tattered                  Every thought I have don't mean a 

|Am           |Am             |Em             |Dm            |
 thing                         Don't stop       Don't stop the
|Am           |Am             |Em             |Dm            |
 dance                         No! More music   Don't stop the  

|Am           |Am             |Em             |Dm            |
 dance                             Mama says love  is  all that 

|Am           |Am             |Em             |Dm            |
matters                         Beauty should be (and so on)

Stone Woman
|:Dm               |Dm                  |Bb                 |Bb            :|
 What do you find on the street tonight - nothing
                      It's a river of no return
           Diamonds they're your only friend tonight
          Break the mirror and bang the drum

    Lets be cool about it 
               oh be cool about  it    now
 Stone Woman                        the pain is gone      the pain is gone
         and the pleasure is yet to come

|:F                |                    |                  |              :|
     No                mercy                 Stone      woman
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