Flocking Injustices

Stolen Macaws

As our search continues for our Four (4) Hyacinth Macaws stolen from our home on March 8, 2002, we want to take a moment to thank everyone who has been so very helpful. We could never have imagined so many people would extend themselves to help the way you have and we want you to know that we deeply appreciate everything everyone has done for us. You have really touched our hearts and "Thank You" simply does not seem to be enough, nevertheless, Thank you.

In our continuing search we find need to ask for your help once again. Thanks to my mother-in-law we are able to increase the reward to 20,000.00. This offer supersedes ll previous reward offers therefore; we would appreciate it greatly if you would forward the updated information to your club and post the enclosed updated Reward Flier in a place viewable to the public. Our search leads us to believe the birds may no longer be in Illinois. So please don't think you are to far away to make a difference.

Also should you have inquiries regarding copying and distributing the flier please do not hesitate to do so. This has helped us tremendously with getting and keeping the word out. We still believe we will one day bring our birds home and keeping the word out to as many people as possible is a key factor in recovering them.

Contact Information:
1) Lisa Pye 630-655-8869 (evenings/weekends) or 630-866-9295 (anytime)
2) Lisa Pye Email: [email protected]
3) Willowbrook Illinois Police Department, 630-325-2121

We thank you very much for all your help.

David & Lisa

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