Keith Lee's made an entire career out of exceeding others expectations. For decades in this industry, Keith Lee has not received credit for just how revolutionary of a talent he is. Even though he has defied the odds to succeed in professional wrestling, many still misunderstand waht motivates Ketih Lee. On the surface, he appears to be a bruiseer. He looks like a monster. A giant of a man with strength and power unrivaled. But when Keith steps in a ring, he moves as quickly and fluidly as a man half his size. He redefines the cliche "agile big man" label so frequently used in professional wrestling. Keith Lee is a one of a kind talent who refuses to let any stereotypes or cliches him. Some may say he's limited to being a spectacle, but his range as a talent truly is limitless. Others may say that he is held down by the color of his skin, but Keith knows that his heritage is to be celebrated and honored.

Keith's arrival in WLCW was a strange one. It's probably best to forget the Lee Family, a failed faction of wrestlers sharing the same last name. But that embarrassing moment in Keith Lee's career led him to an opportunity. Through some unforeseen legal voodo, Clarence Mason connected Jeff Parker and Matt Lee, collectively known was 2point0, with the dynamic Keith Lee. It might have been a legal loophole that brought this trio together, but fate played a role. With 2point0's prominence in the EWA Tag Team Title divsion, Keith Lee was afforded a chance to face Miro, a fierce and violent former contender to the World Title. Essentially, Keith Lee has a chance to show the world why his greatness can't be ignored.

A simple setting. Keith Lee is standing a dark room with a spotlight shining on him. He's alone, it seems that Jeff and Matt have given him space to speak about his upcoming challenge. Decked out in his ring gear and a zip-up sleeveles hoodie/vest combo, Keith looks ready to compete. With a serious look on his face, he speaks to the camera.

KEITH LEE: I've spent many hours over the past week contemplating the extent of Miro's righteously indignat behavior. It is far too simple to correlate Miro's outbursts of violence with his failure to obtain the World Leach Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight Title. No, it's more complex than this. There is so much more at work inside Miro's mind. But while he is blinded with rage and anger, he will see right through his competition. He might have been successful in eliminating his other challengers, but I am more than a mere sacrificial lamb. Because while he is distracted by bigger goals, I am focused on one simple outcome. Defeating Miro will write my name in the record books as the surprising challenger who overcame a World Title contender. And anyone who has followed my career for the last decade knows that I thrive on exceeding expectations. I may not be the classic hero you are all looking for, but my desire to succeed in professional wrestling is truly limitless.

Keith Lee stands tall for a moment before speaking again.

KEITH LEE: I've arrived in World League Championship Wrestling with a goal. I will climb to the peak of the mountain and plant my flag. While my success is not preordained, I do guarantee that there isn't a man in this company with the tenacity to succeed that I possess. It is my intention to break down every wall shatter every ceiling that blocks my way to the mountain top. For I have worked too hard and too long to let this moment slip through my fingers. Against all odds, I will strive to triumph over Miro. While I might fail, I will live to fight another day. But should I emerge victorious, everyone will have a chance to bask in my glory.

Keith raises his nose and face to the air and takes a deep breath with his eyes closed. The scene fades to black.

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