Fitzjohn Roadrunners in Comercial Service
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Info. and photo below supplied by CJ Hobijn:
Some of the comercial operators were:

Queen City Trailways, Charlotte, NC
Southern Trailways, Macon, GA
Atlantic Trailways, Macon, GA
Smoky Mountain Tours Gray Line, Asheville, NC
Scenic Stage Line, Hanover, IL
Florida Greyhound Lines (Miami) Gray Line, Miamim FL
Rawding Lines Gray Line, Boston, MA
Redifer Bus Limes, Gray Line, Cleveland, OH
Chatham Coach Lines
Chatham Coach ad of June 1955 heralding the latest addition to the company's fleet.
A new 37 - passenger 1955 Fitzjohn (Roadrunner) Highway Coach.

Both Queen City and Southern Stages in Trailways ran Road Runners.  Here's a picture of Q-2094 parked in Florence, SC and signed up for Augusta.  Queen City repowered their Road Runners with 471 Detroits while Southern Stages choose the beefier Detroit 671.ction
More pictures from CJ Hobijn:
Picture of many different busses lined up including a Roadrunner:
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