What is the role of the first sergeant?

What level of relationship do you feel should exist between a first sergeant and the commander?

What would you do if you knew you were right about something and all attempts fail to change your commander�s mind?

How would you respond to a CMSgt (E-9) in your organization who is extremely rank conscious?

How do you feel about the extra time and expense inherent with the position of a first sergeant?

Do you own a mess dress? What are your thoughts about a first sergeant being required to purchase one?

Have you discussed your decision to become a first sergeant with your family? If so, what are your spouse�s thoughts and is he/she knowledgeable about the job (i.e. expense, time involved)?

What are your thoughts on the (BRANCH OF SERVICE) Weight Management Program?

What is your opinion on drug use and the (BRANCH OF SERVICE) Policy regarding rehabilitation?

What do you feel is the biggest problem facing a first sergeant in today�s (BRANCH OF SERVICE)?

If selected, what are you going to do to make your organization better?

What strengths do you posses that will help you in your first sergeant duties? What are your weaknesses?

Why at this stage of your career do you want to become a first sergeant?

Do you have an assignment preference as a first sergeant?

What are your career goals?

What do you see as the first sergeant�s role in the performance report and awards and decorations process in the unit?

How do you define loyalty?

Why do you want to become a first sergeant?

Have you ever worked as an additional duty first sergeant before?

What qualifications do you posses that would make you a good first sergeant?

Are there any medical or personal problems in your family which could affect your ability to perform your duties as a first sergeant?

If selected, what would cause you to want out of the first sergeant career field?

Have you discussed promotion opportunities with other first sergeants and your spouse? What was their opinion?

What problems do you foresee working with civilian supervisors and what do you see as your role?


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