Why do Russian women marry foreigners?

Why does international marriage give rise to unfavorable criticism? In fact, no one is intending to put Russian women on sale or humiliate foreign men. This is the reality and all we can do is to accept it and find out the reasons of the popularity of international families.

We'll begin from the choice of foreign men. Poor foreigners, they are so tired of mercenary spirit and meanness of European women (no offend to anybody), and all they look for is a loving wife, caring mother to their children and tender keeper of home hearth. And Slavic women, not spoiled with feminism yet, seem to be ideal for them. Another, but not less important reason, is the keeping step with fashion. "My neighbor got married to such a beautiful, wonderful, lovely Russian girl! Why shouldn't I try? Am not I worth better? And they try and some are in luck.

The psychology of Russian brides is totally different. An old notion ”love in a cottage” was forgotten many years ago. Almost 80 % Russian women mean the availability of a nice bank account by the happy marriage. Those, as a rule, get married to the first one with a foreign passport. The rest, poor 20 %, consists of disappointed in Russian boy-friends girls who seek their better half all over the world. These adventurers for new feelings usually are in a long correspondence and, unfortunately, seldom get married, as they don't know exactly what they need and what for.

Notwithstanding with the said above, we'll try to single out the objective reasons of such choice of a Russian woman.

1. Scarcity of men in Russia. It is well known that there are less women than men in Russia. Men die earlier, many in the prime of life, or are subject to serious illnesses. As a result, every tenth woman at the age of 35 can't find a partner for a marriage.

2. Bad habits. Our Russian men enjoy a great popularity all over the world, thanks to their hard drinking. This problem exists in other countries as well, but not on such large scale. People are so accustomed to that misfortune, that if a husband doesn't drink, he is considered almost an angel, even if his character is far from perfect.

The other problem is, many men who exist in Russian culture often practice promiscuity, believe they should be allowed to have as many mistresses as they want and are often emotionally and physically abusive.

3. Crisis of modern Russia. Our living standards differ from Western ones. And the stability, which is a dream of every family, moves away further and further as an optical illusion. A decent woman wishes happiness and well being to her children, but she doubts “bright tomorrow” for Russia, so for her children. Therefore they try to settle themselves in more prosperous countries, it is their right. We are not here to judge them, but encourage in the difficult situation. No one can blame these women for cowardice. Contrary to popular belief most of these women don't cherish the idea of leaving their beautiful country, family and friends to a foreign culture abroad.

Single, frustrated by their love life, don't have to stay alone during their whole life and have a right for the happiness and decent life. In fact, Russian women, despaired in the reality of Russian society are very brave and adventurous, as they have courage to face a new life, full of handicaps and misunderstanding, but a getaway to the made-up paradise. We should respect their choice, as they are still our Russian women.

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