The Fast website is fortunate enough to have located Janis, from the N.Y. band Crayola, a band Miki Zone (Fast guitarist and songwriter) produced and wrote with in the late 70's.  Crayola consisted of Janis (vocals), Karen (bass), Java (guitar), and Laura (drums).  According to Janis, Miki and Armand (Mandy) Zone wrote the majority of Crayola's songs.  Janis describes Miki as a "mentor" to Crayola.  Janis also states that "Java, whose real name was Janna Allen, was the sister of Sarah Allen, who was the girlfriend at the time, of Daryl Hall (of Hall & Oates). Java wrote a few Crayola tunes as well as penned a couple of Hall & Oates songs too!"  That is all that is known for now, but the Fast website will keep you updated on any new information uncovered.  For now, submitted for your approval are some photos of Crayola in action circa 1977-1978!  Thanks Janis!

Left: Janis of Crayola    Right:  Janis and Karen
Left:  Java and Janis   Right:  Laura, Janis and Miki Zone!



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