Veterans Affairs Canada: Proudly Serving Canada's Vetera

The Health Risks of Asbestos

Asbestos was once a popular material used widely in construction and many other industries. Until the 1970s, many ships around the world, including Royal Canadian Navy ships, contained asbestos-based insulation. It was used to line bulkheads and"also used in pipe and boiler insulation to prevent fires.

Asbestos does not appear to pose a health problem as long ~ it is not damaged or disturbed. Therefore, if you worked near asbestos that was sealed off, you should not face any increased health risks. If you worked as pipe fitter, or worked il! an engine room or shipyard where the fibres may have been in the air, you may experience some breathing difficulties.

When inhaled in significant quantities, . asbestos fibres can cause scarring of

the lungs which makes breathing difficult. It has also been linked to lung cancer and a rare cancer of the lining of the chest or abdominal cavity.

VAC has been awarding disability benefits related to ,asbestos exposure for a number of years.

If you have a physical condition you believe is related to your service, please contact us at 1-866-522-2122.

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