Generally, it would be Jim who would still be in bed when Selena and Hannah were awakening at the crack of dawn. And typically, Jim was never awake early enough to have a full breakfast, usually having a quick cup of coffee and toast right before lunchtime. However this morning, it was Selena who slept in, and it was Jim who was up early making breakfast.

Selena overhears laughter outside her room as she awakens to a cold, yet sunny morning. Between the jovial laughter from Jim and Hannah, and the sunshine peering through the sheer curtains, this day has already delighted her. She did not want to get out of bed for fear that this could be a dream. Hearing Hannah laugh made her pleased, considering that just a few days ago Hannah had become disheartened. Jim, too, often reserved in his affections for Selena, seems to be more amorous towards her, especially last night. Selena beams as she reflects on the their passionate tryst the night before.

An unexpected loud knock on the bedroom door rouses Selena from her trance. A tray with toast and eggs, a glass of orange juice and a bud vase with a single red rose peeps through the doorway with Jim obviously holding it from the other side of the door. Not fully clothed, Selena quickly pulls the sheets over her, yet revealing a bit of her sensuously shaped legs. �Entr�e,� she says seductively.

�Good morning, sleepy head!� Jim cheerfully announces, as he presents Selena with the tray. �I hope you�re hungry because I don�t know when we�ll have fresh eggs or orange juice again.� He carefully lays them on the bed and lounges across her legs.
He softly kisses an exposed part of her thigh and playfully tickles her.

Selena squirming, frees her way out of Jim�s playful grasp. �Stop it,� she pleads with a grin. She sits up on the bed and studies the tray. �Mm, this looks good,� she says, as she picks up a slice of toast and takes a bite of it. �Thank you, Jim, it�s wonderful.�
She leans over and tenderly kisses him on the lips.

�I�m glad you like it,� he proudly replies in between kisses. �Hannah squeezed the oranges herself and I made the eggs.� Jim sits up and grabs the rose from the vase, �And I personally picked this for you,� warmly offering the rose to Selena with more kisses. She fervently accepts.

�Mm,� Selena sweetly moaned as she uneasily broke away from their tender moment.
�I like this. Maybe I should sleep in more.� She turns back to the tray and eats another slice of toast. �Breakfast in bed, I think I can get used to this.�

Jim chuckled under his breath. �Don�t get used to it, if you saw what I did in the kitchen this morning, you�d never want me in there ever,� Jim regretfully confesses.

�Oh no, not another ham incident?� Selena snickers. �Is that why I heard Hannah laughing this morning? Honestly, Jim, you need stay clear from the kitchen. But I do like all this attention.� She kisses him once more. �Thank you.�

Selena hastily hops out of bed and puts on one of Jim�s shirts. As she opens the door, she suddenly looses her balance and nearly drops to the floor, but Jim impulsively catches her. �Selena, are you okay?� Jim worriedly asked.

Shaken, Selena held onto Jim for support, gradually getting back to her feet.
�Yeah, yeah, I�m fine. I guess I just stood up too fast.�

Still hanging on to Selena, Jim discerningly replies, �Are you sure? Maybe you�re still sick from yesterday.�

�Thank you, I�m fine. I just got on my feet too quick, that�s all.� She defensively retorts as she pulls away from Jim then hurriedly walks out of the room and into the bathroom.

Jim, completely abashed, shook his head and mumbled to himself, �Hmm, must be that time...�

* ~ * ~ *

Hannah had been outside lurking about the neighbourhood when she noticed
Crash driving up with Mike and another visitor to greet them.
She waves as they park the truck. �Hello!�

�Hi Hannah! I brought someone special for y�all to meet.� Crash yells, waving back. Mike, grinning from ear-to-ear, immediately jumps out of the truck. �Hi Hannah!�

�Jim! Selena! Crash and Mike are here.� Hannah�s sharp call loudly resonates
through the house.

Selena had finally gotten dressed right when Crash and Captain Halstr�m enter the sitting room. She walks in as Crash is introducing Captain Halstr�m to Jim and Hannah, hearing the tail end of the introductions. �Hi, I�m Selena. You must be our hero, Captain Halstr�m, right?� courteously extending her hand to their savior.

Eagerly shaking Selena�s hand, he enthusiastically replies in the best English he can possibly put together, �Ah, yes, call me Viktor. And I�err, am no hero like everyone is here.� Modestly laughing at his attempt at a foreign language.

�Thank you.� Selena restates her generosity, �If you hadn�t flown over our sign, we wouldn�t be here today,� purposely slowing her pace of talk so as Viktor can understand her. �I am very grateful to you.� Selena then turns her attention to Crash, �I�m grateful to you too.�

�Have you had breakfast yet?� Mike asks.

Hannah chuckles, �Yeah, you could say that,� smirking at Jim.

�Well, in that case, I can give you a tour of the town,� Mike kindly replies.
�We can walk so you can meet your neighbours.�

* ~ * ~ *

Before they reached the business district, Jim, Selena and Hannah were introduced to several of their neighbours. Everyone they met was genuinely happy to meet them. They were fascinated with the adventure that led them to the island. They became fascinated as Jim gives details of the fight they faced against Major Henry West
and his soldiers.

A little girl meekly hides behind her mother as Jim animatedly tells them of having to rescue Selena and Hannah out of the manor. �There was no way I was gonna leave them there. Who knew that the major was mad,� he frankly added

Selena observing the frightened little girl, comforts her with a smile. �Jim, okay, that�s enough out of you,� as she delicately lifts the girl. �It�s okay, honey. He�s just playing around. Aren�t you, Jim?� She wipes the tears from the girl�s face.

�Yeah, I�m just playing,� Jim sympathetically answers. �I�m sorry.� He sincerely apologizes to her mother.

They cordially say goodbye to their new acquaintances as they proceed to their destination.

They pass through a field of cows and sheep grazing and several acres of different varieties of vegetable gardens. There were people tending the gardens, inquisitively glancing up and waving to them. Mike discloses that they have been immensely lucky that the soil was rich and fertile, making their farming immeasurably abundant with fresh vegetables and fruits.

Hannah sees a strawberry bush, and discreetly picks a succulent berry, devouring it instantly. Mike creeps up behind her and whispers, �Shh, I won�t tell, if you won�t,� as he picks one and consumes it in the same manner as Hannah. They briskly sneak away from the shrub, mischievously laughing as if they had done something naughty.

They encounter a farm, where a woman was rounding up a flock of chickens into a coop. Jim observes one chicken heading the wrong direction and sprints to it. He attempts to pick the hen up, but it fiercely pecks at him, to the point where it laid him out on the ground.

Selena and Hannah snicker at Jim�s amusing defeat to a chicken. �At least we know that Jim can�t work on the farm,� Selena sarcastically remarks. Jim chuckles as he shakes the dirt off from his jeans.

As they draw near the town, they immediately notice that it seemed livelier than the day before, a constant hustle and bustle of diligent people carrying out their chores and tasks. There were some that were unloading crates from a truck; several others working on construction on a new clock tower; a man attaching telephone wire on the edge of
a building; men and boys commanding their barricade posts.

Shops that were closed for business late yesterday afternoon were teeming with consumers. A restaurant gets noticeably packed as lunchtime approaches.  A food market is swarming with mothers with young children in tow, while an assembly of elderly folks quietly patronizes a lone bookstore.   

It was a strange sight for Jim and Selena to see: people working tirelessly, customers shopping at stores, people doing their daily routines. It was something that they hadn�t witnessed in which seemed like forever. It warmed their hearts to see such normalcy again.

Mostly every place they stopped in, Mike genially introduced them. Sooner or later, they reach a deli, where Bruno is having a game of rummy with an older gentleman, the same man that had courteously bowed to them. �Gin!� Bruno yells out with a wheezing laugh, wildly throwing down his cards on the table.

�Hi Bruno,� Hannah says as she sits down across the table from him.

Bruno is taken aback at first then lets out an outrageous guffaw, �Well, hello there! How do you do? How do you like this place?� He warmly asks.

�It�s great,� Jim sincerely replies. �It�s seems so normal here. I can�t believe my eyes.�

�Well, good, good, Jim-boy. I told you it was like paradise.� Bruno tips his hat at Selena and pulls up a chair for her. �Here, sit, sit. You look parched.�

Selena was indeed dehydrated. The walk had made her slightly fatigued too.
�Yes, I am thirsty,� she breathlessly declares, eying a bead of dew as it slowly slides down the side of a glass of iced water.

The older gentleman approaches Selena with a pitcher of water and a glass. Pouring a glass of water for her, he politely introduces himself. �I�m Fred. I saw you in the truck yesterday.� He then offers a glass to Jim and Hannah. �Can I get you something other than water?�

�It�s nice meeting you, Fred,� Selena replies. �Thank you, I think the water is just fine.�

�Oh give them beer, Fred, and put it on my tab,� Bruno raucously laughs. Fred mumbles something incoherently to himself then grumpily walks back inside to get refreshments for his patrons. �Two beers coming up,� he groaned.

Jim carefully studies the town, watching everyone efficiently working away. In particular, he attentively sets his gaze on the men unloading crates from a moving truck. Curious about the mysterious contents of the crates, he finally asks,
�What are in those crates?�

Mike readily answers with authority, �They�re supplies from abroad. Every chance they get, depending on the weather, Bruno and his team fly out to the main lands and seizes supplies and rations for us, like they did with yours.�

�Those are medical supplies and equipment for the clinic,� Bruno adds. �Next week,
we plan on acquiring more provisions and military gears and tools at the RAF base�
for protection, of course.�

Fred leisurely returns to the group with a tray of two ice-cold beers for Jim and Bruno, and a soda for Hannah. As he presents the beverages to them, Hannah cleverly takes one of the beer bottles. But before she can take a sip, Jim swiftly snatches it from her grasp. �I don�t think so, young lady,� shaking his head in disapproval.

�I was just kidding, Jim,� Hannah shrugged. �If I can�t have a beer, can I at least
see the shops?�

�In a little while, Hannah,� Selena responds. �I saw a dress shop that I�d like to go and see. Besides, I think you need some new clothes,� she briefly pauses, subtly scanning her own outfit, �And I need a new wardrobe as well.�

They stay a little while longer consuming their refreshing iced-brew drinks all the while taking in the town�s activity. Moments later, as Selena promised, she takes Hannah to the dress shop as Jim continues to stroll the streets with Mike and Bruno.

Hannah peers through the window, excited. �Ooh, look at that dress, Selena!� pointing at a vibrantly coloured frock on a mannequin. Selena and Hannah wander inside; where several women are contentedly trying on clothes and are thoughtlessly conversing amongst one another. A few of the women briefly stare as they walk in,
but instantly returns to their mindless chatter.

A pale blue dress adorned with small floral appliqu�s immediately catches Hannah�s eye. She quickly takes hold of it and tries it on. Meanwhile, Selena takes her time as she meanders her way in every corner of the store, searching for a style she liked. Soon enough, a classic black slip dress on a mannequin catches her attention. As Selena is taking it down, a shop clerk approaches her and compliments her,
�I think that will look great on you.�

An hour of shopping was not something Selena and Hannah had expected to do. Upon deciding on several items of clothing, Selena realizes that she did not have any money to pay for the items. The shop clerk explains to them that the Mayor had done away with money and credit, and that clothes, food and essential necessities were to be provided equally to everyone in the town. This news relieved Selena and Hannah.

Jim and Mike returns from trekking along the airfield and awaits for Selena and Hannah�s return at the deli.

�Working with Bruno�s team sounds great. I think I would be interested in that.� Jim proclaims, insinuating to Mike. �I mean I know how dangerous it can be out there��

�I�ll see what I can do, I�ll talk to my dad about it,� Mike answers. �Look over there, looks like the girls have been doing a little bit of shopping.�

Selena and Hannah, holding a few bags of goodies, happily approach them. �Look at all the clothes Selena and I got, Jim!� Hannah enthusiastically says,
presenting the bags to him.

�I see! How much damage did you do?� he asks Selena as he enfolded her into his arms, playfully kissing her on the nose. �Did you get me anything?�

Selena gasps, �Oh no, I forgot all about you! But I got you this.� All of a sudden, she wraps a silk scarf around Jim�s neck and pulls him closer to her then affectionately kisses him. �And this.� She rummages through her bag and reveals a book to him.

In the meantime, Hannah and Mike awkwardly stand by as they intermittently glance at one another, bashfully and gaze out into the streets. Mike finally breaks the uncomfortable silence, �So, my dad says you�re all coming over for dinner tonight, yeah?�

�I don�t know, are we?� Hannah timidly replies. �I guess so.�

Examining Hannah�s bag, Mike sees the pale blue-coloured dress. �That�s a pretty colour. Maybe you can wear it tonight,� He shyly implies. �I mean you don�t have to, but it looks like it would be a nice colour on you.�

In tune with Hannah�s sudden introversion, Selena interjects. �What time should we be at your house for dinner, Mike?�

�Oh, um, I think my dad said around six, six-thirty, and that he was gonna pick you up too.� Mike answers, �I mean all of you.�

�Well, we better get back then so we can get ready,� Selena promptly replies, handing her bag to Jim to carry.

They briskly walk home, and in no time, they arrive to their new comfortable abode. Hannah sadly waves goodbye to Mike as he trudges along the path to his house, as he also regretfully beckons to Hannah. 

Exhausted and burned out from today�s events, Selena scurries off to bed for a quick nap with Jim following behind her. As soon as she collapses on the soft buoyant bed, she immediately falls asleep. Jim comfortably lounges besides Selena reading the book she gave him.

* ~ * ~ *

Jim has never lived with any females before other than his mum nor has he ever seen Selena and Hannah fuss over getting ready. He patiently waits outside the bathroom door as the girls prepare for the evening. He hears a mixture of unusual shuffling from inside the bathroom. He knocks on the door. �Hey, you�re not the only ones who needs to use the loo, you know!�

Selena immediately opens the door and walks out with Hannah tagging alongside her. �It�s all yours, sir!� Hannah jokingly bows before him and they dash off to her room, giggling.

In no time, Jim is ready to go. He did not have much to work with except deciding which sweater to wear. Assuming that this dinner was in their honour, he chose to wear the grey one along with the only khakis he had, as he felt it was dressed up enough. He, again, waits patiently for the girls to join him in the sitting room and for Daniel to pick them up.

Daniel arrives, exactly at six o�clock. �Hi Daniel,� Jim says as he greets him at the door. �I�m sure Selena and Hannah are almost ready.�

Sure enough, Hannah gallantly strolls in, wearing her new pale blue dress with the sweet adornment that shared the same sweetness as the owner of the dress. She blushes as Jim thoughtfully smiles at her. �Hi Mr. Salinger,� Hannah politely says.

As Daniel courteously smiles at Hannah, Selena regally walks in to join them. �Hello, Selena. My, you look lovely this evening,� Daniel flatteringly remarks.

The black slip dress accentuated Selena�s voluptuous figure, revealing her wondrous feminine assets that she had typically hidden under her regular clothes. She wore simple black low-heeled shoes and completed her stunning outfit with a red silk wrap draped over her shoulders. Her eyes were dramatically coated in shimmering powder with dark outlining cat-eyes along her eyelids, which emphasized her sultry features.  A hint of blush brought out her high cheekbones giving her a prominent and sophisticated elegance.

Jim stood in silence and bewilderment as he hypnotically gaped at Selena�s beautiful transformation. He had always thought that Selena was attractive and, obviously, has seen her bare before, but never has he ever seen her formally dressed and made up in this manner. They had never properly courted, nor had on an official date and certainly, have never spoken about their feelings for one another before so this evening could evidently count as their first date.

�Doesn�t Selena look great?� Hannah softly utters. �Jim?�

�Beautiful,� Jim earnestly stammered. �You look absolutely beautiful, Selena.� He delicately takes her hands in his and kisses the back it. Selena coyly smiles.

Daniel steps out to the car as Hannah follows his lead, as do Jim and Selena, entrancingly walking hand-in-hand.

As Jim escorts Selena to the car, he whispers in her ear, �You really do look fabulous tonight.� He consciously places his hand on her back and tenderly strokes it. Selena stands on her tiptoes then aptly pecks him on the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark.

* ~ * ~ *

When they reached the Salinger�s, a high-spirited little girl holding onto Mike�s hand was waiting on the porch of the doorway. She immediately runs to Daniel as they walk down the path to the porch. �Daddy, daddy,� she cheerfully yells. Daniel lifts her up and clutches her onto him. �Ally, you know you�re not supposed to run out here in the dark,� he says disapprovingly.

�I know, daddy, I�m sorry,� she replies with regret, but instantly livens up when she sees their guests. �Hi, I�m Ally. Are you the ones that got away from the monsters?� She curiously asks as Daniel carries her through the threshold. Jim and Selena chuckle at Ally�s endearing yet humourous comment as they follow Daniel into the house.

Hannah hesitantly steps on the porch while Mike anxiously waits for her. He meets her halfway offering to escort her inside. As Hannah takes the last step, she nervously trips over her heels. Mike reaches to grab hold of her, quickly grasping her around her waist before she could fall to the ground. He gently pulls her up to him causing them to stand intimately face-to-face.

They briefly gaze into one another�s eyes until Ally barges in. �Mikey, mum needs you!� She commands as she happily skips away.

�Must be these heels,� Hannah embarrassingly remarks as she keenly restores her bearing.

�Yes, indeed. You�re not hurt, are you?� Mike sincerely asks. Hannah shakes her head and meekly smiles.

They meet Jim and Selena in the sitting room where Ally is energetically sharing with them a humourous story of a boy in her school. ��He�s absolutely a klutz and he doesn�t know how to spell. Do you know how? I know how to spell a lot of words�like, um, kissing!� She then stands up and prances around, �Mikey and Hannah sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love��

�Ally, that�s enough. You know it�s not nice to tease.� A charming and pleasant woman gently picks up Ally. �Ally, apologize to your brother and his friend,� she thoughtfully says.

Ally buries her face in the woman�s chest and softly utters, �Sorry,� then begins to sob. The woman warmly comforts Ally, holding and rubbing her back. �Shh, it�s okay, honey. I�m sorry too. Maybe you can help mummy in the kitchen?� The woman says soothingly as she sets her down. Ally apprehensively nods her head.

Daniel approaches the woman and places his arms around her as he formally introduces their guests to his wife. ��And this is Audrey, my better half.�
He chuckles then kisses Audrey on the forehead.

Audrey goes around the room to meet her guests. �Selena, you are absolutely striking in that dress. I love that wrap.� She warmly shakes Selena hands and locks their arms together guiding her away. �My husband tells me that you were a chemist and at one point, a medical student. That�s wonderful, I�d love for you to work in the clinic with me. We always need good help especially with some medical knowledge. How far did you go to medical school?� Audrey�s questionings trails off to the kitchen as she leads Selena there with Ally happily trailing behind them.Before long, the rest of the party arrives. Viktor and Charlie merrily arrive with two wine bottles in hand. Upon entering, Charlie instantly makes her way to Jim forgetting about her escort, Viktor.

�Jim! How are you? Have you gotten yourself settled in your new house?� She fervently inquires. �Dad said that you would be working with Bruno�s team, that�s fantastic! We�ll see each other every day then.� She grabs his arms and leads him to the sofa. �By the way, that jumper brings out the colour of your eyes.�

Jim discreetly pulls away from her, guarded then politely answers. �The house is great and I think we�re getting settled, slowly but surely. Mike took us around town and we met some really nice people today, very nice folks around here. And yeah, I�m really excited about working with Bruno.� Jim suddenly gets on his feet when Audrey and Selena enter with a tray of food.

�It looks like everyone is here but Mr. Norton. I think we can wait for him for a little while longer. We can start off with some appetizers.� Audrey offers her guests the tray of food.

Viktor takes a second glimpse when Selena appears because like Jim he was mesmerized by her dramatic transformation. He demurely smiles at her as he approaches to greet her in his broken English. �I thought you were someone else.
May I say how stunning you look?�

Selena blushes and humbly replies, �Thank you, Captain, I mean, Viktor.
That�s very kind of you to say.�

Charlie looks on with envy. She walks over to them and places her arms through Viktor�s as if claiming him. �Selena, you do clean up really well. I like what you�ve done with your make up. It�s very striking and bold, � she says with a slight malevolence in her tone.

Jim overhears Charlie�s comment and immediately responds in Selena�s defense.
�Yes, Selena is very beautiful. I love this look but I think I prefer her as she is and that�s modest and kind.� He lovingly places his hands around her shoulders and gives her an loving peck on the cheek.

�That was Bruno on the phone. He�s running late. He says to start dinner without him,� Daniel announces.

They all gather around the dining table as Audrey instructs everyone where to sit. Ally begins to complain as she begs to sit next to Jim and Selena. �But mummy, they said I can sit with them. Please, mummy! I�ll behave, I promise.� After much pleading,
Ally got her way.

The dinner commenced without Bruno as he had requested. Conversation was light during dinner as Daniel and Audrey knew their guests had not had a proper meal in months. They encouraged them to feel at home and eat and drink as much as they wanted.

However, Ally was a chatterbox in the beginning. She curiously patronized Jim and Selena with questions about �the monsters�. Audrey tries her hardest to contain her but with an exuberantly clever seven-year-old, it was difficult until Daniel austerely orders her to behave herself. Ally pouts and eats her dinner in silence.

The dinner consisted of a four-course meal. They started off with soup, homemade chicken bisque that was made from an original recipe from Audrey�s grandmother. Everyone complimented Audrey on the soup, Jim especially as he asked for seconds.

When Audrey brought in the main dish, Jim internally salivated. He couldn�t believe what was in front of him: a juicy, tender, plump roast beef. He suddenly remembers Selena�s craving just a few days ago. He glances up at her and grins. Selena knew what Jim was thinking and acknowledges him with a smile. Jim eagerly feasted on the delicious buffet, as did Hannah.

Selena, on the other hand, had small portions and ate modestly, choosing only foods that would not cause her stomach to get upset. She politely declines as she is offered more roast beef, and does not partake in the wine, something that she had been craving for. In fact, when the chocolate mousse is presented after dinner, she kindly offers hers to Ally who obligingly took it without hesitation.

During dinner, Audrey warmly converses with Hannah. �Are you excited about going back to school? Not that I expect you would be, but I think you�ll like your teacher, Ms. Bennett. Mike says she�s an excellent teacher.� She tenderly smiles at Hannah as Mike nods his head in agreement.

�Um, yes, Mrs. Salinger. I think I�m ready for school again. I miss being around kids my age,� Hannah openly discloses. �Selena has been home schooling me and she�s done quite well.�

�Please, call me Audrey. Mrs. Salinger is too formal and makes me feel like an old ninny.� Audrey chuckles. �What subjects do you like?�

As Audrey and Hannah talk, Selena notices Hannah�s attitude confidently change. She notices how Hannah has become more open and candid, especially towards Audrey. Selena felt at ease with her too.

�Well, I like every subject really,� Hannah carefully answers. �Although, I love to read. Arithmetic has never been my best subject.�

�Funny, that�s Mike�s favourite subject in school, isn�t it, Mike?� Audrey attempts to bring Mike in the conversation.

As Audrey, Hannah and Mike chat about school, Daniel informs Jim that he is to join Bruno on his rationing expedition team. He encouragingly adds, �I think with your
know-how in handling the infected, you�ll be a great asset to Bruno�s team.�
He then frankly asks, �Do you know how to handle a gun?�

Jim abruptly coughs then clears his throat. �Um, yes, I have before,� He responds with aloofness. �Are we required to carry one at all times?�

�Not at all times, but it would be a good idea to conceal one when you�re on assignment.� Daniel haughtily replies, �I�ll go over some gun training if you want. I was quite good back in the day.�

�Oh, dad, please don�t,� Charlie, pleaded. �Jim, don�t get him started on his military stories. He�ll bore you to death.�

Suddenly, Bruno comes running in, panting and heaving. �Sorry folks for the disturbance but�� He takes in another deep breath. �Daniel, I don�t want to alarm you, but there�s a code orange and we need you. You too, Viktor.�

Daniel and Viktor immediately excuse themselves from the table. As they walk out of the dining room, Charlie follows behind. �Dad, I can help too.� Daniel curtly shakes his head and orders Charlie with a look to return to her seat.

Meanwhile, Jim, Selena and Hannah are startled and confused. They cautiously look at one another studying their hosts� actions.

Audrey rises from the table and angrily throws her dinner napkin down, hastily stomping her way towards Daniel. She inaudibly scolds him. �Daniel, I will not have
this family dinner destroyed tonight for your little fun and games. You promised me
that it has ended��

Daniel tries to quiet her down and quickly leads her to the kitchen. �Audrey, we don�t want our guests to be alarmed. Look, it�s nothing.� His voice becomes calmer.
�I promised you, Audrey and I�ve kept that promise.� He reassuringly embraces her. �Now, I have to leave. Please give our guests my apologies.� Daniel comfortingly
kisses her and retreats with Bruno and Viktor.

Audrey along with a disappointed Charlie returns to the table. Before speaking, Audrey gulps down the entire contents of her wine glass. �Sorry about that whole commotion. Being married to the mayor, you would think I would be used to all the problems that arise frequently.� She shakes her head and reaches for the bottle of Merlot.
She empties the last drops of wine into her glass and continues to speak, carefully constructing her next words. �I hope that whole military gibberish, orange alert-thing, didn�t frighten you. Um, there�s a problem with the power station, you see.
And obviously, they need Daniel�s advice on a solution.� She, again, downs
the entire wine from her glass.

�Mum, is right,� Charlie, concedes. �We�ve been having problems with the main power station and dad needs to be there.�

�Of course.� Selena warily corresponds, suspecting otherwise. �I do hope they get it fixed.�

�Do you think they need any help? Because I can assist them if they want.� Jim sincerely asks. He, too, felt something was peculiar, but refrained from asking.

Audrey begins clearing the table as the rest of the party stopped eating. They join her in the chore much to her dismay. She tries to encourage them to assemble in the living room, but after the brief chaos, the atmosphere had become bland. Not even Ally can liven up the mood.

Gradually, everyone slowly gathers in the sitting room after Mike plays his radio. Charlie, who had suddenly become sociable after a discussion with her mother, graciously talks to Selena. They realize how much in common they had, at least, their determination and willpower to survive in this time. They uproariously giggle when Selena revealed how a chicken ferociously attacked Jim earlier that day.

In the kitchen, Jim decided to stay to help Audrey clean up. �Jim, you don�t need to help. I�ve been taking care of this family for 25 years now. I think I can still manage.�

Jim chuckles, �Oh no, I don�t mind. Usually, Selena or Hannah does the cooking
and I clean up so really, I don�t mind at all. Besides, I feel like I owe you something after your generous hospitality and the wonderful dinner you made for us.
The soup was absolutely delicious. Thank you, Audrey.� He takes a plate from
Audrey and begins to wipe it dry.

�Are you and Selena together?� Audrey inquisitively asks. �You don�t have to answer that. I see the way you look at her and her, you. Look, I�m sorry about Charlie. She comes off really strong and aggressive but really, she�s a very sweet girl. She�s always gotten what she wanted and for some reason she always wants what she doesn�t have. She�s a lot like her father, very headstrong and demanding, which could be a good trait, I guess.�

�Of course,� Jim sensibly concurs. �Um, Charlie is nice��

Audrey laughs. �Yes, she is nice. I know what you are trying to say. Let�s leave it that. Now about Hannah, how did you stumble upon her?�

Jim begins to enlighten Audrey on how he met Selena and Hannah as well as their adventure. By the time he concludes to where they are now, Audrey was completely
in awe.

�That poor girl,� Audrey says hopelessly. �I don�t know what I would do if I saw any member of my family become infected before my eyes. Hannah seems to be strong though, Jim. You and Selena have done a real good job in caring for her.
I�m sure her father, Frank, was it? I�m sure he�d be proud.�

�Thanks, Audrey. That really means a lot coming from you. I�ve seen a change in her since we arrived here. I think this island will be good for her, especially when she starts school again.� Jim responds.

�Mike has taken a liking to her. How do you feel about that?� Audrey asks.

Unbeknownst to Jim of Hannah and Mike�s growing fondness of each other, he shakes his head in disbelief. �Hannah and Mike, no. And besides, Hannah is too young still. Mike is a great kid, and I like him but I��

�She�s getting to that age, Jim,� Audrey chuckles. �There see, you sound like a parent already. You�ll have kids someday and you might as well get your practice now.�
She tosses a towel at Jim, hitting him directly in the face. She retreats to the sitting room, leaving Jim to ponder her last statement.

Jim gets up from his stool and follows right after her, �Wait, what do you mean?�

The room was dim when Jim and Audrey enter. Mike and Hannah were in the corner talking, while Selena was fast asleep on the sofa. �Where are Charlie and Ally?�
Audrey asks as she examines the room for them.

�Charlie put Ally to bed, mum.� Mike answers. �She and Selena fell asleep together so Charlie carried her up to her room.�

Jim quietly sneaks over to where Selena is peacefully sleeping. He notices a soft
fleece throw over the sofa so he gently covers her with it. He then turns to Mike
and asks, �Would it be alright if you took us home?� Mike generously obliges.

On the drive home, Selena is sprawled out in the back seat with Jim supporting her body. Jim attentively watches Hannah and Mike as they silently converse in the front seat. He alertly observed everything Mike did, making sure that he kept a certain distance to Hannah and that no intimate moves were attempted at her.

When they arrive, Jim sternly orders Hannah to go directly inside the house without even an utterance of goodnight to Mike. She bitterly darts inside and straight to her room, slamming the door shut. Mike leaves disappointed, driving off into the night back to his home.

Jim carries Selena in to their house and into their bed. He carefully undresses her so as to not wake her. Jim watches her sleep as the moonlight shines on her face. He reflects on the day�s events, focusing on the sudden uproar during dinner. Jim puts his attention back on Selena. He affectionately strokes her made up face, kisses it then snuggles next to her. A smile appears on his face as he finally falls asleep.

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