Hot Or Not

Purpose: Submit various photos of myself to and see what scores I get.

Variables: clothing, distance from camera, eye contact, facial expression, hair length, facial hair, photo color tone/focus, sunglasses affect.

Hypothesis: The people who vote at HotOrNot are ignorant sluts, and it doesn't matter what they think. But numbers sure are FUN!

8.8 8.6 8.6 8.0
8.0 7.9 7.6 7.6
7.6 7.4 7.2 7.2

6.5 6.5 6.5 6.4
5.7 5.7 5.0 4.6

General Theory: The people who vote at HotOrNot are idiots (people who submit pictures are not idiots, merely bored and lonely recluses with a desperate need for validation--not me, though, ofcourse).

General Theory #2: The pedophiles who frequent this sight like their 'meat' clean cut and clean shaven (hence, more childlike). Any hair that might indicate the subject has gone through puberty makes the subject less desirable, and therefore "icky". Or maybe I've just gotten uglier?

That rating really doesn't mean much. I put my scores on my resume and potential employers were not at all impressed. They told me that with all the ugly people on HotOrNot, anything less than a 9.0 is "total crap".

-- October 2001

February 2002 - these pictures are AWFUL. Especially the long-haired ones. They are frickin' frightening. This page will henceforth serve as a reminder to get my haircut often. Three times a year is just not enough.

gimme some feedback

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