Amelia Anderson Memorial

Amelia Anderson

Not one person who has a character at Hoggies can say that Amelia Anderson did not affect them one way or another. She was a ball of life, a burst of creativity, and a genial person who loved Hogwarts and all those at it. Sadly, on July 24, 2007, the creative and bubbly girl behind one of Hufflepuff's most interesting and fun characters in the history of Hoggies.

She could always surprise us. And so, here is a taste of her magic for all you to enjoy.

If you would like to sign her memorial book, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Her introduction for the 1958-59 term at Hoggies:

It's that time agaaaaiiiinnnn!!

My real life name happens to be...Amelia! Heh, wasn't too original when I was creating my character. And HEY, I like my name a lot, thank you very much! I'm a 19 year old 1st year college student, majoring in Early Childhood Education...I'mma gonna be a kindergarten teacher. I live in Baltimore, Maryland!

My real life self likes big booms nearly as much as RP Amelia, but just doesn't get the chance anymore to play. I have a loving boyfriend, who has been named "Spleen Boy-kun" by Trinny and Hoggie's chat (Spleen Boy-kun wants me to make sure to tell you all that his real name is Ben. Psh, I like SB-kun.)

Me and SB-kun

Amelia says, 'Eat Your Veggies, Hogwarts!'

Some of her memorable posts:

Amelia as a 3rd year in COMC: �Whadda ya mean, �referring to physical harm�?� Amelia suddenly questioned, the first noise she�d made so far in class, her hands gripping either side of her desk.

That �Nogtail� thing was going to use mind control and explode her kidneys and then eat her!

Amelia as a 4th year in the Entrance Hall Amelia Anderson: Amelia headed down the stairs from the Entrance Hall, her arms full of this and that. It was dinner time, and that's where just about the rest of the castle was, off eating dinner. But Amelia wasn't. Because Amelia was on a Mission. Yes, a Mission with a capital 'M'.

Because of this Mission, she was dressed in her Ninja clothing. Black skirt, black stockings, black blouse, black ribbons in her pigtails.

Humming happily to herself, Amelia sat down a few of the items onto the floor infront of thick door. Was this revenge? Nah, Amelia didn't do something like 'revenge'. Well...maybe she did, but that wasn't the point. Or maybe it was, who knew.

She could only carry about half of tonight's fun, all the way from the Hufflepuff dorms she had carry the heavy load of...secret stuff. Her partner for tonight would have the other half.

And hopefully, that silly girl would get here soon, because it was pretty chilly down here!

*** Kaitlyn Dwyre enters ***

Amelia smiled as she turned.

�So what is the plan now?�

"Well, my dear Baby Raven, we could do a lot of things." She rambled for a moment about things that made no sense. She loved having the Baby Raven's as minions--er, partners in crime. Yeeaaah...

"Anyways, help me arrange all of this junk..." Amelia knelt down, moving some of the Secret Stuff here and there and every where. "I'm pretty sure the Slythie dorms are somewhere down here, I dunno where exactly though...not only can we get the lovely Professor's office door, but we can take out this whole hall way. Dinner should be nearly over, it'll be fun."

Okay, now where was her silly wand? It wasn't behind her ear, like usual. She began to check her pockets for it. Not a simple task, mind you, being that this one skirt had seven pockets sewed into it. Finally, THERE it was, in pocket number three.

"Alrighty now, K. Let's start heading back up the steps. We wanna get outta here before we get caught." Amelia said, backing onto the last step. "Ready?"

Ready or not...



The fireworks, all laid out around Professor Birches' office door, exploded. Oranges and reds and yellows and whites and...and all the colors of the rainbow. Smoke filled the hall, although the sparks and lights from the fireworks could still be seen though it.

"Ruuuun!" Amelia cried, holding her side from laughing too hard, pushing the back of the Baby Raven to go up the steps. The plan was to go back up to their own common rooms.

Now, let's see if they would actually make it there.

Amelia as a 3rd year in the Hufflepuff Dorms Amelia rolled over in her bed, the moon casting a pale light into the girl's dorm. Her bed, closest to the window, was completely lit up. But the light wasn't a reason why she didn't sleep much, that was just something she'd always had. Sleep a few hours, wake up, feel wide awake. 'Course, Amelia seemed to run on pure sugar half the time, so her lack of sleep hardly ever caught up with her. And any time it did catch up...she crashed where ever she happened to be sitting at the moment. It was a normal thing to find one Miss Amelia Anderson sleeping in the middle of a loud common room.

She kicked at her blankets in her sleep, mumbling something along the lines of "But you said you'd stay..." as she grabbed at her pillow pushing it off the bed. After several minutes of her tossing and turning, she bumped her head on the headboard and her eyes shot open, brown eyes wide and shocked. She pulled her yellow stuffed bunny over to her and clung to it, her breathing close to one that was sobbing.

Amelia froze as she heard some girl in the room turn and mumble something before falling back to sleep. If she stayed in here, she was going to wake them up and then they would be angry at her. After untangling herself from the blankets, she dangled her bare feet over the edge of the bed, touching the floor and quietly moved through the room, towards the door. She stumbled over something or another, but made it to the door without much trouble. She slipped out, shutting the door with a slient 'click'.

Her yellow bunny under one arm, Amelia climbed down the stairs, finding the common room empty--as it should be at five thirty AM. The fire was half out, leaving the room pretty chilly, but she wasn't about to go over and play with it, and she'd left her wand upstairs. Ah well, she sat on one of the large, plush, sofas, curling her knees up to her chest, her feet covered by the long pink night gown that had once belong to her cousin.


There had been fireflies in her dream, Amelia thought as she watched the small fire flicker. When there were fireflies in her dreams, it was always nice. Millions of tiny, twinkling lights, all around the trees, all around everywhere. But then there were things that we're as night as the fireflies, the bad things: the yelling, the blood, the crying. Usually, Amelia couldn't remember her dreams, good or bad. But she could always remember those little parts...

She didn't cry. She wouldn't, she wouldn't.

Without a sound, she continued to sit in the empty common room, clinging to her bunny like it was her lifeline. For how she was feeling, nothing much ran through her head. She just sat, zoned out, humming a slow tune softly.

Amelia as a 3rd Year in the Corridors Straight down from Entrance Hall, two rights, a left, another right, two more lefts, AND THERE YOU WERE!! were at a dead end, of course, with nothing but a boom closet to each side of the ball, a window with the full moon shining in.

Standing in her long, pink nightgown, white slippers, Amelia flipped her pigtail-free hair over her shoulder as she inspected her work.

She'd lit the unlit torches on the walls to give light, even if it was still a bit dim. Ahwell, that'd work. She'd washed the dirt off the floors, as lying on them wouldn't be fun if it weren't clean. Her entire bedding was scattered across part of the hall. And that...was saying something. Nine pillows, three sheets, and seven blankets, to say.

Though without a table, pitchers of juice and plates of snacks were lying about the floor.

Amelia'd actually put a lot of effort and thought into this. This deadend hall was the perfect pajama party place. Nobody would come down this hall, they wouldn't get caught. It was a Friday night, what sort of sticks patroll for partying students on a Friday night?

Amelia twirled and dropped down onto one of her pillows. The invitations had been sent, everything was just needed guests...

Amelia as a 6th Year in the Great Hall Amelia rolled her eyes up high to the ceiling. Here she and Lucan sat, connected by the hand, without any voice at all...and here Mr. Popular was, making girlfriends.

Well, she supposed it could be worse. He could be making out with one of these girls. Oh and...wasn't that one girl a second year? That was only a few months higher than being a Baby Raven!!

Of course, they were all most likely friends, but Amelia was in a bad mood and felt like making him look silly infront of these other girls.

Amelia grinned to herself, in her mean own way, and dropped her free hand into her bag. She came out with a green crayon and a ripped sheet of paper. After scribbling quickly, she pushed the note across to Lucan, sure that the nearly Baby Raven and the other girl would see.

'So, you made out with and got in trouble with these girls too?'

Amelia as a 4th year at the Fountain "YEAH? And I'll eat your BABIES!"

One Miss Amelia Anderson, of course, was in an argument with her housemates. The 'I'll eat your babies' line was always the perfect comeback to anything. Anything from 'stupid, you blew up my undies!' to 'you're sleeping on my COMC homework!' and the eating your babies line was a perfect fit.

She left the Hufflepuff common room, off to roam freely through out the castle. She was bored, the castle was always boring nowadays. So she went ahead on outside. Even though it was raining.

"Not rainin' thaaaat bad." She figured, skipping on out. She was only wearing a grey sweater and black skirt (matching grey ribbons in her pigtails, of course), but it wasn't that chilly out. She jumped in a puddle, splashing her socks and the hem of her skirt.

Okay, so it was boring outside too. She really needed to find herself a hobby or something. But she continued skipping along, looking for something fun to do.

Amelia found herself at the fountain, looking up at the silly pixie statue. Wouldn't it be funny if it blew up?? But it was the water that caught Amelia's attention. Wouldn't fun to change the color of the water?

She had her wand on her, in the waistband of her skirt. She could do it. She could!!

So, she debated this, and while she did so, she jumped in another nearby puddle.

Amelia as a 4th year in the Forbidden Forest Dinner had been over ages ago, but Amelia was still munching on half a chicken drumstick. She had taken this, of course, out of the Great Hall and had strolled about the castle for a while, until some silly Prefect told her off for doing so. So, just to make that Prefect happy, Amelia left the castle's halls with her chicken drumstick, and found her way outside. Outside, where the sky had grown dark at least an hour ago, she continued eating the last of her dinner.

Amelia wasn't really watching where she was going. To the oak tree? The gardens? Most def not to the lake. She found herself marching across the Hogwarts grounds, where she finished her chicken and tossed the drumstick flying to the left. Wiping her greesy fingers on the Muggle-style pink skirt she usual wore out of class, she would have glared at the chilly weather if she could.

It was November, far to close to December, and it was cold out. Cold, cold, and Amelia didn't like it. Of course, she was wearing a little white button-up sweater, but it was November and if she had thought of the weather before she left the castle, she would have been wearing her heavy robes or a coat. Being that Auntie Kitty's package from the states still hadn't arrived yet, she was still wearing rain boots on her feet. It was surprising that she'd yet to get in trouble for this violation on the dress code...being that for some odd reason this year, everyone kept giving her detention!

Ignoring that thought and pushing the image of batheing a scary Puffskein FAAAR back into her mind, Amelia found herself entering the Forbidden Forest. It wasn't a strange thing, being that she did so at least three times a week. She was going to wait until she was further in to start climbing up into the trees, but a light caught her eye.

Amelia grinned, a rather silly grin while she was thinking of all sorts of mean things to do to the little firstie who'd deciding to come into the forest and was silly enough to not go in far enough. After all, what person with a brain played so close to open Hogwarts grounds?

She grabbed a close branch and pulled herself up, her rain boots, which were much too big for her feet, nearly sliding off at one point. She was quiet in her climbing, moving this-a-way and that-a-way in quiet ways that she'd learned to climb in throughout the years. She was close, very close to her, not victim...

Well, yes, she supposed it could be a victim. Or a stalkee. But Amelia was just going to scare the life out of this poor, silly student.


She was close enough to hear this, being only one branch down by this point. The light of her stalkee's wand went out, leaving Amelia to grin in the dark. How perfect. Now, crouching down, she was completely invisible, being that there was very little light coming fro the sky. She reached for her wand that was tucked behind one of her ears.

Now, what could she...aaah...

"Rictusempra." Amelia whispered, pointing her wand up at the body on the branch above.

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