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ωθεν (ē-ō′then) “from the east [Classical Greek, lit. “from morn”, “at earliest dawn”]. This was the name given by A.W. Kinglake to his book of travels in the East (1844).


Between the East and West, both words and worlds travel: the metaphysical – senses, stories, art, imaginaries – and also the very real and earthly masses – people, fruit, hardware, the moon and tides.


The intention of Eothen is to capture this exchange of the real and unreal, across continents and seas. It is a collection of stories, poems, memoirs, created by people who are bounded by an invisible and indescribable vision of the world, its present and its future. As sunlight enlightens from East to West, so too do Eothen’s artists and writers, in unified spirit.


The contributors to this issue of Eothen are connected by bonds that will not necessarily be apparent to you, the reader. But we are an open book, and we invite you to join us.


Number 2 will be published in 2021. If you feel connected to the ethos of this journal and would like to contribute to the next issue, please contact the editors at


[email protected]




“If you don’t go, you don’t see.

If you don’t see, you don’t know.

And if you don’t know, you can’t act.”