Cry Wolf 


Let me tell you about Leon.

    Within his sick, twisted mind, Leon had convinced himself that he was a werewolf.   And, when you consider some of the horrendous things he did--he might as well have been.

There was something terribly wrong with Leon. 
    Suppressed by a sickly, overbearing mother, taunted and bullied by by the boys in high school and  laughed at by all the girls, he had--long ago--withdrawn within himself and had become a loner.   Now, he found only one solace in his life, only one joy; at night,  Leon loved to prowl The Ocean Park Pier Amusement area--and he would do

Leon sounds like an interesting young man, doesn't he?
      Here, let me give you a little example of the sort of thing that
turns him on.

        Here is an excerpt from my book.

        Leon stood in line, sandwiched in by the crowd of people, all  of them waiting their turn to ride the rollercoaster.   "The Cyclone" was a main attraction on the Ocean Park Pier Amusement Park and it always drew really large crowds--and Leon knew it.  That was the reason why he had chosen this ride.
       He saw a teen-age boy, two places ahead of him in the line, kissing his girlfriend's neck while his hand, draping her shoulder, played with her breast.   Leon smiled to himself, recognizing the boy as a bully from school who had always picked on him and called him nasty names; a guy he hated!   Tonight, Leon decided, he would be the one to die!
      Cloaked by the tight crowd around him, Leon reached beneath his coat and withdrew the sharp icepick from its leather sheath in the wastband of his pants.   He felt the familiar rush of excitement--his heartbeat quicken, an erection pushing at the front of his pants--and he loved it.   Leon tensed, readying himself; awaiting the right moment; waiting his chance.   When the two prattling girls standing in front of him parted slightly, he thrust his arm forward between them, the icepick held tightly within his grip.  The point of the eight-inch-long icepick entered the boy's back, dead-center, and he drove it forward as hard as he could, directing all of his strength into the thrust--right up to the icepick's wooden handle--then he quickly withdrew it, and slipped it back into its protective sheath.  Leon heard the boy's sharp, gasping intake of breath and watched his body stiffen convulsively; the sight and sound of it thrilling him.
      By the time the dying boy had taken a few staggering steps forward, then had fallen over onto the boardwalk, Leon had already left the line and the crowd of people behind him and he was walking casually up the amusement park's long midway, holding his coat closed in front of him to hide his erection.


   Leon's a really nice guy, huh?   I hope that you enjoyed what you've read.

   Please click  Here  to take you back to my book page.

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