The best ever gift that God gave me is when most meaningful and special moments in my life is being born to this wonderful world and had the change to see, explore, help and share my knowledge to others. One times so many question come to my mind first how will I took care my parents if there grow old of course? When I grow up I will love, help and cared me when the time that I needed them, they always there to helps support and guided me.

Then I ask my mother how did they took care of me when I was little and grow better and healthy. And my mother answer me that when the time she was pregnant she suffered so many things and crave/wanted to eat a different foods. But the food she want to eat is hard to found/get meaning to say not popular food. And may mother answer me that when the time she was pregnant she suffered so many things and crave/ wanted to eat a different foods. But food she want to eat is hard to found/get meaning to say not popular food. After 3monts my mother and my father went to the daily check up at the hospital for the ultrasound that my mom was surprised and happy that she was carrying little baby boy inside her mama and all my relative organize a simple party on my house because. I�m the first baby boy to born at our family. When the time she was going to deliver me my father is frightened and panicked he don�t know what he was going to do. So my auntie called my uncle to drive my mother in the hospital and directed her in the delivery room. When my mom delivered me into this world the most happiest day of her life that God gifted her also all of my relatives is so very excited at the same time to carry me. When I was 1 years old. I�m began to speak. My mother told me that the first word that I was cited is �oppa� instead of �papa� and that time my mom helped me to pronounce the exactly word of �papa� and I was continued to learn. And also that time my mom teached me to count and proper stand. But my mom said that many struggles before I was learned. My mom said I�m very naughty although my mom tired to teaching me she not stop because my mom really love me and also my father.

This is the moment and beginning to my life as a pupil to my elementary. I�m happy to say that my parents is excited to see me so going to school. I�m happy why? Because my parents is super supportive to me. To my life in elementary it was happy and full of challenging despite of the difficulties. My life as a pupil this is the most enjoyable years I have ever experienced. Sometimes have a bonding time with my friends and emotional day and also happy day this is the moment. My elementary life are full of fun and joy because during my 4th grade I met my true friends that always there waht ever ill go, they are just like my tale that cannot be broken and we always played our favorites sports which is basketball and sepak takraw. I remember that day when we played basketballl on our shool gym just to inpress our teacher crusher's and my group is not my friend when we played basketball my group win, then my freinds group lose. The punishment is roll the ground which is fun to see and picture.


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