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 Bilvis Wesley Bio      

Bilvis Wesley
Hometown: The Graceland Mansion in Bricktown, New Jersey
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 240 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1992
Catch Phrase: "Thank you, thank you very much."

At first glance, one might think Bilvis Wesley has lost his mind. After all, this one-time member of the Dangerously Alliance seems to live to emulate the late Elvis Presley. Beneath the acquired southern accent and snarl however, lies one formidable wrestler.

Raised on the East Coast, Wesley worked his way into the pro wrestling industry the dirty way, the hard way, by breaking down and setting up wrestling rings. Waiting for his break, Bilvis finally was given the forum to show his abilities, earning his place in Extreme Championship Wrestling with several impressive showings.

Wesley quietly formed an impressive team with the Enforcer, C.W. Anderson. There was no fanfare or pageantry to the duo, just two bad asses who relished the chance to prove how tough they are. Their matches caught the eye of Lou E. Dangerously, who christened them his "Dangerous Alliance."

When the Alliance splintered apart, Wesley was on his own again, the same as when he started in the pro wrestling industry. Given the chance to be his own person, Wesley looked inward and began to publicly display the devout affection he already had privately for Elvis.

This love was not unknown to the ECW Locker Room, but many scoffed at Wesley's sudden insistence at referring to himself as "The King." Wesley's newfound swagger and attitude did earn him a pair of new associates in The Prodigy Tom Marquez and The Prodigette however.

Of course, no one can scoff at his success in the ring.

As this old school scrapper steps into the ring, he's certain it won't be announced that "Bilvis has left the building" until after his hand is raised in victory.


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