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 Rob Van Dam Bio      

Rob Van Dam
Battle Creek, Michigan
Height: 6'
Weight: 237 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1991
Catch Phrase: "I'm the Whole F'N Show!"

Championships held:
ECW World Television championship
ECW World Tag Team championship (with Sabu)

The man known as "Mr. Pay-Per-View" is as brash and arrogant as they come, but even his opponents admit RVD can back it all up. As quick as a cat, able to engage any opponent with a flurry of aerial maneuvers and martial arts, Van Dam once maintained the longest undefeated streak in Pay-Per-View history, a feat unlikely to ever be matched by anyone in pro wrestling.

Utilizing his finishers, the Van Daminator and the Van Terminator, Van Dam has run through the competition worldwide. Always seen with the "Manager of Champions" Bill Alfonso, Van Dam claims that he is the "Whole F'N Show" and with his record, one is hard pressed to argue.

The creator and holder of the "Van Dam Lift" weightlifting record, Rob Van Dam has found his success leading to many roles in films and on television, as well as national magazine articles about his habits within, and beyond, the squared circle.

In order to prevent ECW on TNN from being canceled by a power-hungry Cyrus, RVD vacated his World Television Championship just one month short of a two-year reign. Van Dam worked his way back from a broken leg, more intent than ever to prove to the world that he is "The Whole F'N Show."

That intention was set back by a loss in his return match to his greatest rival, Jerry Lynn. The fact that it was a loss mired in controversy after Van Dam's closest friend, Scotty Anton, turned on RVD, has made that setback even harder to swallow.

Van Dam focused his energies on his goals. First he defeated Anton at Heatwave 2000, unleashing the Van Terminator in the process. Now, he is in pursuit of Rhino and the Network

Van Dam has redemption on his mind as he battles his way back to the top of Extreme Championship Wrestling!


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