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 Taz Bio 

Hometown: Red Hook, Brooklyn, New York
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 248 lbs.
Turned Pro: 1987
Catch Phrase: "Beat me if you can, Survive If I Let you!"
Championships Held:

ECW World Heavyweight championship
ECW World Television championship
ECW World Tag Team championship (with Sabu)
Unrecognized FTW World championship

Nicknamed the "Human Suplex Machine" Taz is the most prolific mat wrestler in Extreme Championship Wrestling. He is also the most miserable, and derives pleasure in choking his opponents out with the Tazmission, a judo choke that has been deemed illegal in judo competition, but is allowable in ECW. 

An intense combatant, Taz meshes his strict martial arts and grappling background with his rough childhood growing up on the streets of Red Hook, allowing him to outwrestle and outbrawl anyone, often in a matter of minutes. 

Taz is renowned for his focus within the industry, as evidenced by his long pursuit of rival Sabu and the ECW World championship. 

Refusing to back down to anyone, including ECW management during his chase of the ECW World championship, Taz created the FTW World championship and later unified it with the ECW World championship to become the undisputed World Heavyweight champion.

Taz held the championship with an iron grasp, until being defeated recently by Mike Awesome. This setback has only made the "Human Suplex Machine" even more morose and focused.

Living by the motto of "Kill or Be Killed" The former World Heavyweight champion is as miserable and as dangerous as ever.

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