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 Raven Bio   

Hometown: The Bowery
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 230 lbs
Year Turned Pro: 12
Catch Phrase: "Quote the Raven, Nevermore."
Championships Held: 

ECW World Heavyweight championship
ECW World Tag Team championship (with Stevie Richards)
ECW World Tag Team championship (with Tommy Dreamer)
ECW World Tag Team championship (with Mike Awesome)

Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes of oppression, Raven, the brooding, disturbed manipulative soul has returned to Extreme Championship Wrestling. 

A childhood friend of Tommy Dreamer, Raven's wars with Dreamer in ECW have taken on a legendary status with ECW's hardcore fans. Utilizing an impressive DDT as his finisher, the twisted Raven prefers to ignore his strong wrestling skills in favor of an all-out brawling style.

That dark, violent style is only shadowed by Raven's ability to draw others under his wing, to twist and use them for his own purposes, to make them pawns in his game of mental chess. 

Shocking everyone when he came to his longtime enemy Dreamer's aid to win the World Tag Team championships with him, Raven soon answered all questions with the shocking revelation that he had returned to make Dreamer's life hell. As his partner, Raven took the glory from Dreamer's victories. Dreamer couldn't walk away from his first World championship without destroying the glory of his own career. 

However, things took an ever stranger turn for Raven when he attempted to "do the right thing" by Dreamer, helping his partner when he needed it the most. Even when he did the right, moral thing, however, Raven found himself facing the wrong end of the consequences, whether it be physical pain or the loss of the ECW World Tag Team championships.

The war between Raven and Tommy Dreamer soon renewed itself, more ferocious and violent than ever, but subsided when Dreamer won the World Heavyweight championship. As a childhood friend of Dreamer's, and one who had created a bond based upon blood in their many wars, it was impossible for even Raven not to be proud of the "Innovator of Violence."

In one handshake, a war ended. In one hug, a friendship was reborn.

Shockingly, Francine turned on Raven and Dreamer both, siding with Justin Credible as Credible robbed Dreamer of the World Heavyweight championship. Now, the morose slacker found himself in an unlikely role, of a pawn in Credible and Francine's mind games.

Since then Raven has found himself on the same side as "The Innovator of Violence" again, with a mutual enemy in their sights.

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