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 Dawn Marie Bio    

Dawn Marie
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 120
Year Turned Pro: 1996
Catchphrase: "Look At Me! Look At Me!"

Dawn Marie may be the hottest woman to ever grace the rings of Extreme Championship Wrestling.

Originally brought into ECW by Lance Storm as a way to get under the skin of his opponents, Dawn soon broke out into her own spotlight, craving the attention of fans and television cameras alike. After Storm's departure from ECW at the hands of Justin Credible, Dawn began a search for a new prot�g� to manage.

When the search was over however, Dawn didn't find one. She found two, declaring that no one man was enough for her. The promising young tag team of Simon Diamond and Swinger soon stepped to the plate to satiate the needs of Dawn Marie, shocking fans at the Massacre on 34th Street.

Dawn shows no fear in aiding her charges, to the point where she's ended up in the ring with male adversaries. Part valet, part showgirl, all woman Dawn Marie will continue to do whatever it takes to achieve success here in Extreme Championship Wrestling, especially as long as she gets some camera time for herself.

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