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 Joel Gertner Bio      

Joel Gertner
Hometown: New York City
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 228.7 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1995
Catch Phrase: "I'm the Quintessential Studmuffin - Joel Gertner!"

Insolent, arrogant and cavalier, Joel Gertner is the co-host of Extreme Championship Wrestling on The Nashville Network and, allegedly, every woman's dream. After all, he's the "Quintessential Studmuffin."

A former ring announcer and timekeeper for Extreme Championship Wrestling, Joel Gertner took ECW by storm when he became the manager of the Dudley Boyz, leading them to a record six ECW World Tag Team Championships in two short years.

A brilliant strategist, Gertner provides valuable insight into the minds of ECW's competitors with his commentary.

Holding a black belt in linguistics, Gertner possesses a vocabulary as dangerous as his self-proclaimed sexual prowess, and is not above using ECW's television network as a means to his personal ends.

Although his hiring initially led to Joey Styles' dismay, the "Golden Vocal Chords" of Extreme Championship Wrestling has found himself more at odds with The Network and Cyrus. Their war of words has escalated to the point that Gertner, for the first time in his life, stood up to defend not only himself, but also Extreme Championship Wrestling.

An unlikely cornerstone in the ECW product, Joel Gertner will continue to lead the hardcore charge weekly on "ECW on TNN," pushing the limits of censorship and good taste. He wouldn't have it any other way, and neither would the fans of Extreme Championship Wrestling.

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