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 Tommy Dreamer Bio     

Tommy Dreamer
Yonkers, New York
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 245 lbs.
Turned Pro: 1989
Catch Phrase: "E-C-F'N-W!"

Championships Held:
ECW World Heavyweight championship
ECW World Tag Team championship (with Raven)
ECW World Tag Team championship (with Masato Tanaka)

"The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer is the heart and soul of Extreme Championship Wrestling, set to defend it against all outsiders.

This life has not been easy for Dreamer. He has been placed in situations that would conquer a normal man, but he has always somehow prevailed in the end.

The one-time prot�g� of Terry Funk, Dreamer may look like a matinee idol, but he is more likely to pick up a chair than throw a hiptoss. With the incredible ability to turn anything into an offensive weapon, Dreamer is at one with the ECW fan base, putting himself and his body on the line for his fans.

In the dark world that encompasses Extreme Championship Wrestling, Tommy Dreamer is the heart. Even more so, he is the light.

That light never shined brighter than at Cyberslam 2000. Dreamer not only realized the culmination of a lifelong dream by defeating Tazz to become the ECW World Heavyweight Champion. After years of hard work for ECW, Tommy Dreamer was finally reaping the reward.

That reward was ripped from Dreamer's clutches when Justin Credible immediately challenged Dreamer and won the World Heavyweight Championship, with the help of Francine. Credible, a man who had once spit on the memory of Dreamer's deceased grandfather, now held the belt Tommy had rightfully earned with years of his blood, sweat and tears.

Throughout his career, Tommy Dreamer was always fighting towards a goal. Whether it was for ECW or for the honor of Beulah McGuillicuty, Dreamer was always fighting for something. Now, Extreme Championship Wrestling's "Innovator of Violence" is fighting for himself, to regain the championship he rightfully earned.

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