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 Dangerous Alliance Bio 

"The Enforcer" C.W. Anderson
Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1999

"Beautiful" Billy Wiles
Hometown: Bricktown, New Jersey
Weight:240 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1998

Lou E. Dangerously's Dangerous Alliance, "The Enforcer" C.W. Anderson and "Beautiful" Billy Wiles, is a throwback to the old days of pro wrestling, the days when wrestlers picked an extremity and worked on it, where wrestlers stayed to the mat and stretched their opponents, and when wrestlers prided themselves not on championships but on how many teeth they knocked out.

Trained at WCW's Power Plant, C.W. Anderson turned down a contract with the promotion to instead begin his career in the tougher rings of Extreme Championship Wrestling. True to his surname, Anderson is a tough competitor with a devastating spinebuster highlighting his repertoire. Anderson has impressed more than a few observers with his ability to hang with ECW's upper echelon, most recently taking Rob Van Dam to the limit on "ECW on TNN."

Raised on the East Coast, "Beautiful" Billy Wiles worked his way into the pro wrestling industry the dirty way, the hard way, by breaking down and setting up wrestling rings. Waiting for his break, Wiles finally got a chance to show his abilities, earning his place in the promotion with several impressive showings.

When the two were paired up, there was no fanfare. No fancy ring music. No matching tights. Just an impressive team of two bad asses who relished the chance to prove how tough they are. Recent "Dark Matches" taped before pay-per-views have found their way to Extreme Championship Wrestling's television network because of how impressive their performances were.

Those matches caught the eye of manager Lou E. Dangerously, who was already looking for a way to get under the skin of ECW Executive Producer Paul Heyman. Signing up Anderson and Wiles, Dangerously christened them his "Dangerous Alliance."

While the name may seem like a rib at first, upon further inspection, it is nothing more than a deserving nickname for this devious duo. Time will show just how Dangerous Wiles and Anderson truly are.

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